Oopsie. Thou Shalt Not Do Before A King

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Will belted out chokes of laughter and doubled over, trying to smother some of the noise. Gilan snorted and wiped a tear, chortling. Within two seconds, he was on the ground again, flapping his arms and kicking his legs noisily. Will vaguely registered that Gilan looked like a chicken.

"And then - bwahaha –he went like –" Gilan made an obscure face, faintly imitating someone who is out of breath.

Will doubled over again in laughter. "No, but then he – whoo!" Will spread his arms in a pinwheel motion. Then proceeded to burst out laughing again.

Gilan clapped his hands like a little kid and went, "ohh whee ohh ooooh ah!"

"That's – that's exactly how he sounded!" Will choked out.

The both of them continued to bend over in laughter, wiping tears away and somehow managing to make a perfect imitation of Halt when he tripped over a log and fell into a mud puddle in front of the battleschool trainees that morning, only a couple hours before.

Will held up two fingers. "Hold on, though, you forgot the part when he goes–"

Will dropped to the ground, laid on his stomach, and wiped the invisible mud off his face, then pretended to slip in the mud as he tried to stand up. He was on his stomach laughing, banging the floor with his palm.

Gilan snickered, then abruptly stopped. Unfortunately, Will didn't notice and continued to roar in laughter.

Suddenly, Gilan's foot connected with Will's arm.

"Get up, Will, now!" Gilan hissed, though with a smirk on his face.


"Come on!" Gilan urged, already turning away.

Will turned his head and scrambled to get up. "Oh god, help me!"

Standing in front of them was King Duncan.

Gilan stood at attention, though barely keeping it together. Will hastily joined, also trying to keep in the laughter.

"Having fun, boys?" Duncan asked, a slight smirk on his face.

"Mhmm," was all Gilan could say.

"Alright. Get back to your work. I need the cases sorted by nightfall." Duncan said, starting to walk out the door. Only when he was fully gone did the burst of laughter escape both the Ranger's lips.

So, this actually happened to my friend and I and my friend was on her stomach when my very serious principal walked in. Oh boy was it hard to keep in our laughter. We didn't do a great job. Our classes were also cracking up.

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