Carry Me...Help Me...

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Will's hand trembled as he hovered it by Halt's door. It was close to midnight, but he couldn't go back to sleep. Not after his latest nightmare.

He's never woken up Halt before. He'd never gone to anyone in the night because he couldn't sleep. He felt childish for doing this, but he didn't know where to turn. Who to turn to. Except for Halt.

Making his mind up, he turned the door handle. He could hear Halt's even breathing.

Will was about to take another step in when he hesitated.

"What's the matter, Will?" Halt murmured, startling Will.

"I- I um... I-couldn't sleep," Will replied, just as quietly as Halt. "The nightmares, Halt. They...they keep-" Will couldn't finish. A sudden lump blocked his throat and made his eyes water.

"Come here, Will," Halt called, not unkindly.

Will stumbled his way over. His vision was now completely blurred and his throat stung. He looked at Halt.

He felt himself being pulled in by a hug. A parental hug. The type of hug he never received. The type of hug he'd always wanted.

Halt made soft shushing noises. "It's alright, Will. You're safe now. Shh. It's alright," Halt murmured.

Before Will even knew it, he was crying. Tears of fright. Tears of anger. Tears of relief. Relief that he had Halt to rely on. That he had friends who cared.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Halt asked quietly.

Will hesitated. He didn't know if he could. He pressed his eyes shut. The dreams were so realistic.

"It's alright, Will. We don't need-"

"No, it's fine," Will croaked, "I need to say it. It'll -it'll be better once I get it out."

He felt Halt's concerned look. Will took a deep breath.

"It was...Skandia. Evanlyn and I... we were- we were being whipped. But... I had to watch it all. I had to watch her, each time the whip came down. If I looked away...

"She was being punished for me, Halt. My punishment was to watch her..." Will couldn't continue. His throat closed up once more and tears ran down his face.

Halt embraced him again, his time more tightly. Will hugged him back, clawing his fingers into Halt's shirt. He didn't want to let go. He couldn't.

"Will." He heard Halt say. "You're safe now. It was just a dream. Nothing more. Evanlyn is safe now. You're safe now." Halt paused. "What was that song you said your parents sang you?"

Will cracked a smile. "It was called, Carry You." A friend of his parents told him that a few weeks ago. They'd always sing him that song whenever they tried to put him asleep.

Halt smiled. His face gave Will hope. "Can you sing it to me?"

Will looked up. He knew he had a decent voice, but whenever he sang, Halt glared.

He cleared his throat.

"You are not alone,

I've been here the whole time,

Singing you a song,

I will carry you,

I will carry you."

Instantly, some of Will's pain left. It was still there, but it was manageable. As he sang, he felt his parents watching. He felt them smiling from above. And he knew he wasn't alone. He never really was.

Hey. Aw man, this is for sure one of my best. It was so fun to write it and now I made myself cry. Good job, me.

But, this song in fact is NOT mine. That is the real title and real lyrics. It is by Rule and Fleurie. I highly recommend it. It is not the first time I have used it for my RA fanfics. Check it out.

And while you're reading this, please vote and comment. Honestly, Everytime I see a notification of "--- voted on your story!" I get so happy. Like, super super happy. So, by all means continue. Alright, I'll let you go. Have a great day!

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