Because I'm Happy!!

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"It might seem crazy what I am 'about to say, sunshine, she's here, you can take a break," Will started, bouncing his leg.

"No! Will, don't you DARE!" Halt shouted, pounding his fist on the table.

"Because I'm happyyyy, clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!" Will promptly ignored Halt and sang the line, jumping directly in front of Halt.

"Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth!" he continued, clapping his hand to the beat.

"I will not! And SHUT UP!" halt screamed, standing up. To anyone else, they would've immediately stopped, especially under Halt's direct internet glare, but Will knew Halt for many years, and he knew that Halt wouldn't do anything. Other than possibly taking away his coffee privilege – but even Halt couldn't do that anymore because Will was no longer an apprentice.

"Can't nothing, bring me down, my level's too high to bring me down!" Will sang, this time louder than before.

"Will!" halt swung a fist at him, but Will danced out of the way, still clapping his hands.

"Clap along if you feel like–" Will abruptly stopped singing as Halt did hit him – in the stomach.
"That's better." Halt said. Will coughed and gasped in air.

"Halt!" he gasped.

Halt raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"What in Gorlog's world did you just do?"

"Well, i believe i just hit you in the stomach"

Will goggled at Halt. Sometimes, his former mentor took it too far. "Oh my... halt, I'm pretty sure that counts as physical abuse."

Halt rolled his eyes. "No, it doesn't."

"Yes it does. I bet if i asked Crowley–"

"Leave Crowley out of this," Halt snarled. "You annoyed me and i stopped you form annoying me further."

There was nothing to say to that. Really, Will honestly couldn't think of any way to express what he was thinking, so he settled on rolling his eyes and muttering choice words under his breath. Though, at least he still had his mug of coffee.

"Oh, and no coffee for you." Halt swiped Will's mug before he could utter a word.

Will cursed.

Obviously, this is not my own song. But it is a delightfully happy song called...Happy, believe it or not. Check it out. Sorry that this story is kind of short. I was bored and wanted to write a more happy story, so I settled on this. I was also listening to the song...that probably gave me inspiration. I don't know, but i love the idea of Halt getting Infuriated but Will singing. 

(Also, totally random: check out the song "Don't happy" by Bobby McFerrin. It's playing right now and it's lowkey the funniest song.  The song will make you so happy. I guarantee it.)

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