Frozen Hatred (Part Four)

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"Halt, you're joking, right?" Will's voice shook. "I'm – I'm not going back – I can't."

"King's orders, Will," Halt replied, his voice gentle.

"He can find a different Ranger to do it then!" Will burst.

Duncan had assigned Will, Gilan and Halt to return to Skandia to check up with the treaty. Several years had passed since Will's enslavement, perhaps fifteen, but the horrors Will had witnessed were still fresh in his mind.

"He wants you specifically, Will," Halt siad, "as you were the one to help form the treaty."

"It was Evanlyn,' Will muttered. Halt ignored him.

"Whoever it was, the King wants you."

That night, Will had nightmares. He couldn't calm his mind.

Flashes of bodies unconscious in the winter storms.


Snow. Everywhere.


Will gasped awake, grabbing onto Ebony's fur, stroking it, calming himself. Ebony sensed his pain and cuddled beside him, her body heat latching to Will.

'God, I'm scared, Eb," he whispered. "I can't go back. What if I... relapse?"

Ebony didn't respond.

Two days later, he and GIlan and Halt were on a wolfship, skiving down the deep blue sea. The waves were gentle, and Will had been on a ship before, he didn't mind them. But an irrational fear had lodged itself in Will's ribs, making it hard to breathe. What if a massive storm came? What if they all drowned?

"You okay?"

Gilan walked over quietly without Will noticing. He could tell Will was scared, and that made sense. Though to him, the behavior seemed slightly extreme. After all, Will was friends with Erak and his crew.

Will swallowed. "Yeah. i'm fine."

Trying to defuse the tension, Gilan grinned and said, "You know, being at sea like this, it reminds me of Halt's first mission with me."

Will glanced sidelong at Gilan. "What was it?"

"We had to chase down a band of pirates. I got tossed overboard and Halt jumped in to save me, though his cape got caught on someone's sword – don't ask me how – and he pulled the other man over with him, then we nearly got eaten by sharks... yeah, it was fun."

Will snorted. "Only you think something like that would be fun, Gilan."

"I'm unique."

Will nodded solemnly. "Yes you are."

"Is that an insult, Will?" Gilan asked, his voice rising, mockingly offended.

Will pursed his lips and shrugged. "If you want it to be."

"Shut up you two," Halt grumbled, wiping his hand across his mouth. "Gorlog knows I've had enough of your bickering for years."

"Gorolog?" Gilan said, "getting in the mood for Skandians, are we?"

"It's Gorlog, Gil. not Gorolog. Only two O's."

"Who's Gorlog anyway?" Gilan mused.

"He's an ugly Skandian god. Ugly like you."

Gilan scoffed. "I'm ugly?" he said.

Will grinned. "I'm glad you agree."

"Shut up you two," Halt muttered again, this time drawing his saxe. "Don't make me use this."

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