Revenge (Part Two)

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"Skies above," Will cursed.

He slid off Tug's back and picked up his hoof.

"Seriously?" Will rolled his eyes at Tug.

Not my fault you made me walk over those pebbles, Tug shot back.

"Shut up."

Tug raised his eyebrows, or at least as well as a horse could. Will had such an attitude these days. So snappy. It was like – ooh! Apples!

"I'm not getting you an apple, Tug," Will said, once following Tug's fierce line of sight. "Come on. We need to get you to the blacksmith. He's the closest.

Will had actually never been to the blacksmith. Usually, Halt would go, or they would fix whatever they needed at home. But Will had no choice now, he wasn't exactly near the cabin and he didn't want to risk Tug's foot getting hurt more than it already was.

"Step carefully," Will cautioned. Tug rolled his eyes.

Thanks for telling me, I was going to stomp very hard before that warning.

"And you say I'm the one with the attitude?"

How'd you know I thought that? Tug said.

"I know everything you're thinking, Tug."

Tug snorted, the hot air hitting Will's neck.

"Eugh! Tug, come on!"

Tug neighed a laugh. Will would never get the last word with him.

The little market place they walked through was decently crowded. Will was in one of the busier villages – really more of a city. People scattered around him, ignoring him. Afterall, he didn't have his Ranger cloak on – it was much too hot for it. And there was no need. Children pushed past him, running to booths to see what new things were on display. And then there were some children running from other children. Will frowned. He hated bullying. He considered going after the kids, but the blacksmith was on his right.

It was a smaller shop, maybe only one room of Halt's cabin. And the heavens above, it was hot. Fires crackled loudly along the walls and some under cauldrons. Many lethal-looking weapons hung on the walls, and chains hung from the roof, holding different tools. Ash was scattered on the floor.

Will knocked on the door twice to see if someone was there.

"Yeah, hold it!" someone called. A loud clanging of metal followed it. Deciding hastily, Will moved further to the shop. A boy, about his age, was on the side standing over a table and pounding a red-hot shield with a large hammer. He wore a large and heavy apron, smeared with ash and dust, and his blonde hair was streaked with dirt and soot. He had a peculiar glint in his eyes, as if he was about to pull a prank on you and then run out. But his skin color... lighter than most in Araluen...


Will narrowed his eyes on the boy. Something seemed familiar about him...

"How can I help you?" the boy asked.

Will came back to the present. "My horse threw a shoe. I need a new one."

The boy dusted off his hands. "Yeah, alright, let me see the horse."

Will led him outside to Tug. As they approached him, tug looked at the boy and stood still.

"He's a beautiful horse," the boy said, "what type is he?"

"A mix," Will said vaguely. He honestly didn't even know what mix Tug was, but he wasn't about to say that.

"Hmm," the boy said. He picked up Tug's foot, and studied the hoof. He nodded and said, "you're lucky you noticed pretty soon after. There's no real damage here, none at all really. You need one of the smaller shoes, hold on."

The boy went back in the shop and returned with a smaller looking shoe. He fit the shoe on, nodding as it clicked into place. He let go of Tug's foot and patted the horse hard. "You're a pretty boy, i'll give you that."

"Thanks," Will said. Then, feeling like he needed to explain he didn't think the boy was saying that to him, he said, "Tug really is a beautiful horse. I'm proud of him."

Tug tossed his head, his mane flying in the wind. Come on, shower me in the praise. Will carefully ignored him.

"You from around these parts?" Will asked, unable to contain the question any longer.

The boy looked at him and shook his head. "Actually, no. my da's from the north. The name's Leif, by the way."

Will inwardly raised an eyebrow. Leif wasn't an Araluen name. It was Skandian. "From the north, you say? Where exactly?"

Leif shrugged, turning aways slightly. "Across the sea."

Will hesitated, unsure if he should press further. Leif obviously was hiding exactly where he was from, but why?

"Well, thanks for the shoe," Will said.

Lief smiled. "No problem. It'll cost five pennings."

Will handed him the money and jumped back into Tug's saddle. There was a slight awkward pause, but Leif filled it, saying, "maybe we'll see each other. What was your name, by the way?"


"Well, I;ll see you around, Will."


Before things could get more awkward, Will turned Tug and galloped away. Mixed feelings churned in Will on the ride back. Lief was a nice boy, very friendly, but Skandian.

Get over it, Will told himself, Skandia is over. You're friends with Erak, you can be friends with some other random Skandian.

But something about Lief... 

So, I'm officially obsessed with making a longer short stories (like this one, with the "Part __"). This plot is AMAZING! I hope you guys like it. While I'm writing, it'd be really nice what ages I'm writing for. no pressure at all, but I'd love it if some of you commented your ages. Just so I can get a feel for who my real audience is. Thanks! Have a great day!

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