Oh Dear. Please Help Me.

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Do not get too excited. Or...maybe do.

I've officially run out of ideas for stories. I don't know what in Gorlog's land I should write about. So, I need help.

This is a chance for you guys to bombard me with your ideas about what I should write. it can be anything. about anyone. Taking place anywhere. I don't care if your idea is Will and Halt going on a mission in outer space...though, maybe I could write that....

But seriously. I need your help. assuming you want me to write anything at all, that is. This is all assuming you actually like my writing and want me to continue. If no one comments...I'll accept the truth like a mature person * translation: sob my eyes out*

Please don't be shy. I honestly don't care what the idea is, because at this point, any idea is better than none. And if you want me to write a story that is a CONTINUATION or SECOND PART to a story I've already written, PLEASE TELL ME!!!!

Also, before I go, I wanna give two quick shoutouts:



Thank you both! You have really supported me and shown it too! Thank you all!

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