Frozen Hatred (Part Two)

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Will wondered how many strips of bacon someone could eat before they exploded.

That was all he could think about. No matter how much he pushed that ridiculous thought of his mind, the stronger it came back.

He decided it would be about 50 strips.

Halt would never allow him more than three.

"Your darn right, Will," Will muttered to himself in Halt's voice, "too much oil. I don't need a lazy or fat apprentice."

I wouldn't become fat from four strips, Halt, Will thought back.

"Perhaps. But then you'd ask for more. And I wouldn't give it." Will argued back, still in Halt's voice. Then he added laughing, "because they're all for me!"

He was sure he was going insane. Who on earth talked to themselves like this?

The shoveling took long past two hours to complete. Njal never seemed happy enough with what Will did, and still didn't, but let him go as there would be no further point in shoveling – the snow continued to howl down.

Will's teeth chattered. He seemed to have lost all control over that, he had noticed a few days back.

"Good, boy. You can go back to the yard now," Njal gruffly said, waving Will away with a flick of his wrist. Will grit his teeth. They all treated him like a horse.

I would never treat Tug like that, he thought.

"Wait," Karina said, squeezing past Njal. "I need his help with one thing."

Njal's lips turned upwards in sneer. "Well, well. One slave needs help from another. How cute."

Karina pressed her lips together, restraining herself deeply from shouting something she shouldn't. Will watched the exchange silently.

"That's all you'll ever be. Slaves. In this godforsaken land. No one wants you anymore," Njal spat at the two.

Karina took a deep breath, steadying breath. She must have a lot of experience with this prat, Will noticed.

Karina turned to leave, pulling Will in the right direction, but Njal yelled back, "be back inside in ten minutes, slave!"

Karina, again, didn't respond. Instead, she continued to lead Will around back, to where a little barn was for the chickens. Will silently prayed that she wouldn't make him muck it out. He already stunk of pig poop. Along with sweat. And urine. No – not his, the animals. He shook his head at that awkward thought–

"Here," Karina pulled something out of her coat. It was dark by the barn, and he couldn't exactly tell what it was.

"It's bread. Fresh bread," she explained. "I know you missed your food this morning, i could tell–"

Before she had finished, Will had already ripped it out of her hands and ate it like a starving animal.

Karina let him eat it in peace, not asking him. Yet. She was interested in the boy. It was clear that he had been a slave for a few weeks or so, but most already lost a...hope. This boy still had his, or at least, some of it. He had a certain gleam in his eyes, a glimmer. Perhaps that's where 'a glimmer of hope' came from. He was stronger than he looked.

Will finished the loaf in less than three minutes. He looked up at Karina, trying to think of words. All he was able to think of was how beautiful Karina's green eyes were. Forest green, like the woods around Halt's cabin at home.


"What's your name?" she asked gently.


She raised an eyebrow. The expression reminded Will painfully of Halt. but Karina was intrigued. 'Will' was not a common name in the parts. It was an Araluen name...

"Short for anything?" she asked.

He shook his head. "I understand your name is Karina?" he asked.

She nodded, still curious. Then, making her final decision, she asked, "dulik kilgn ha'hurni?"

He responded without hesitation, and apparently without even noticing the change in language. "Ilka buyh'a rythuni."

She gasped. "You know Araluen!" she exclaimed, back in Skandian tongue.

He frowned, then realized what just happened and smiled. "Yes, yes I suppose I do."

"You're from Araluen?"

He nodded. "Yes.. Redmont."

Tears suddenly swam in her eyes. "I'm from Seacliff."

They were both quiet for several moments, not knowing what to say. Both of them had been away from their homes for so long, more so in Karina's case, and now both found a piece of home. A bond was created between them instantly.

"Karina!" Njal yelled from the hut. "Get inside now!"

Karina looked hopelessly back at the cabin, then at Will. "okli kil'hu hallaba." I won't abandon you, Araluen, she said. "Ujil nuplim hume." We are family.

Sorry for the short length. But yay for me that I posted so quickly!

BTW, yes, I did make up that Skandia and Araluen had different langauges, but come on, they for sure did. I mean, if you go looking at both places based off of England and Norway, and they both have different languages, then why wouldn't Araluen and Skandia.

And, I mean, it's just much cuter and emotionally attaching to have Karina and Will share a language. I think. Hope you agree. 

Part Three coming soon hopefully!!

Stay tuned!

shoutout to 

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