Revenge (Part Five)

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Ok, quick warning, it is a little more darker in this chapter. there is NOTHING graphic though, I really don't even go into detail about what happened in Will's experience in Skandia, but there for imagination (?). But I hate that type of stuff and I DEFINETLY cannot write it. Because I'll scare myself. But if you want a happy going, never dark Will, I will say to only read until the dotted cutoff line. The story will end alright, I promise, because I only do happy endings, but I know that I hate when authors turn the happy characters dark (#Merlin). So, there's the warning. But also, if you are worried, again, it's really if you read between the lines, I think. NOTHING is explicit. Alright, sorry about the rant. Please comment and share! Comment if it was in fact too dark and if you want me to lesson the mood to a happier note. Tell me is you loved it and love the dark vibes. It's all an experiment for me and I love the feedback.

If you are going to skip, I'll give a quick summary now: Will meets up with the man he's been staking (The Skandian) and they have a nice (not actually) exchange of words and then proceed to a lovely (not really) tussle and wrestle. Will ends up getting arrested for nearly killing someone (the fight was only hand-to-hand but it was pretty harsh.)

Also, quick aside, thank you _Solangelo4Ever_ for commenting and voting!

(Any Merlin fans out there, speaking of which?)


Will woke up before he was meant to. He tried going back to sleep, but sleep eluded him. Refusing to get out of bed, Will rolled over, idly looking out the window. The sun had barely risen and the birds were chirping extremely loudly. His thoughts roamed around, some bothering him more than others, but the most frequent one was about Lief. Will couldn't shake him out of his mind. There was something about him. He seemed so... familiar. But that was ridiculous. How would he have known a Sknadian his age? He skimmed through all of his memories in Skandia, but none seemed to be meeting a boy like Lief.

Will stayed in bed until he couldn't. His thoughts were too pestering and eventually, he got up, deciding to make Halt and himself a breakfast. It wasn't often that he would, but Will enjoyed cooking for Halt. It was a small appreciation for everything and it felt good to serve someone older who mattered to Will. Though Will would never admit it, Halt was very much like a father to him, and serving him breakfast was special.

As Halt entered the main room, he raised an eyebrow, looking thoroughly happy. "Well, well, this is a change."

Will smiled and served him some eggs and bacon. Only three pieces, he remembered. No more and I'll have a fat apprentice as well as lazy, Halt had said. Will chuckled to himself.

After they both had their food, they sat down together, a few moments of crunching while they both chewed. Will gazed out the window at the sun just creeping through the trees. He always loved the sunrise in Araluen, especially in the cabin. The sun's rays shone through the trees making fog and dust sparkle.

"I need to go into town today, Will," Halt said, "do you want to join me?"

"No thanks, Halt. I'd rather just have some time to myself to be honest."

Halt's eyebrow shot up. "What do you mean, 'time to yourself?'"

Will gave him a pointed look. "I mean, I want to be alone."

"Yes, I understood that, Will, but my question is why you sound as if I've been bugging you for days on end. Or even hours."

A smile creeped at the ends of Will's mouth. "Who says you haven't been?"

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