Chapter 3

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I wake up later than usual since I had closed the drapes and I'm surprised to hear Leeza snoring softly from her bed. Grabbing my phone, I can't believe it's nearly ten in the morning. Throwing the covers back, I rush around the room as quietly as possible so I don't wake her up. I still don't want to deal with her but know that I'll need to do it sooner or later. I just don't want her obsession and negativity to dampen my spirits when it comes to Jimin. Those are my memories to cherish, and I feel like her talking about him and the other members may spoil them. Plus, I don't want to be put in the position of lying to her, though I know I will when it comes to him and his privacy.

In my rush to get out the door, I drop my bag as I try to grab it. I freeze when Leeza moves suddenly and rolls over. Waiting to see what she does, I let out my breath slowly as I hear her start to snore again. Picking up my bag, I slip out and speed walk to the stairway exit. It feels like déjà vu taking these stairs for the second time in less than a week, but it's really lonely doing it by myself.

I spend the next two days seeing other places on my bucket list, including places that are all about my family's history, occasionally texting back and forth with my favorite man when he has a moment or two free. I've finally added his number into my phone contacts list as PJM, saving all my text conversations with him to the cloud before deleting it at the end of the day, just in case I lose my phone or Leeza gets a hold of it, which she's done before. At night, Jimin and I meet at the beach, usually in my spot, which I now consider "our spot."

It's the second night after our dinner when he asks if I'd like to meet him at the practice studio the following night when the group is done. I agree, and during the day, my nerves are running crazy as the clock ticks down far too slowly.

When it's finally time to leave, I take public transportation to the address he sent. With excited butterflies in my stomach, I stand across the street from where I know he is, just staring. The building is fairly non-descript, and it occurs to me there's no way anyone would know they're here practicing every day, which makes it the perfect place to hide in plain sight.

Taking a deep breath, I cross over to the door and through...only to be stopped.

"Excuse me, miss. This is private property. You have to leave," the security guard says as he steps into my path, effectively blocking my way in.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was invited to stop by tonight," I respond, bowing. Straightening up, I see the skeptical scowl on his face, which makes him seem somewhat intimidating. Then Mr. Security Guard crosses his arms over his chest.

"That's a nice joke, miss, but an unoriginal one. You'll have to do better than that."

"No, seriously! It's the truth. I was invited here."

"Leave now before I remove you and call the authorities." He takes a menacing step toward me as I take a timid one back. I put both hands up to show I'm no threat and realize I'm still holding my phone when it starts ringing. Looking at the display, my heart leaps.

"Hello?" I answer, my gaze still on the guard.

"Hi NaeYeong. Are you close?" I hear Jimin's voice on the other end, relief flowing through my body knowing he's not that far away.

"Yes, I am. At least, I'm pretty sure I'm in the right place, but there's a security guard who doesn't believe I've been invited here. He's telling me to leave." The guard's eyebrow quirks up at that.

"Oh sh*t! I forgot about him. Don't go anywhere, I'm on my way and I'll straighten this out." He hangs up.

I haven't taken my gaze off the guard throughout the call, and I see he's getting ready to move toward me once more. I hold my hand, palm out, to stop him from coming closer, but he isn't deterred by it. He gets close enough to get his large hand around my wrist, which I choose not to resist, then he squeezes while pulling my arm up in a compliance move. It doesn't take much as he's over a foot taller than I am and at least twice my size in what looks to be all muscle.

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