Chapter 8 - Part 1

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It's a quiet ride down to the parking garage, quiet except for the little giggles from Hobi as he keeps looking at us. Jimin just shakes his head and grins at me as the doors open.

We follow Hobi to the SUV, stopping as a staff member opens the door for us. Hobi climbs into the far back seat next to Yoongi, who is waiting with his eyes closed.

Next Jimin helps me in, and as I move over to the other side, I see my missing earring laying in the crease of the seat. Grabbing it, I sit down and buckle my seat belt, and after Jimin is in with his seat belt on, I show it to him. He lifts my hand up to kiss the back of it, smiling at my happiness in finding it.

While we travel to the venue, we talk about what to expect once we get there. As we drive around the stadium, I see so many people waiting behind barricades with cameras and phones out. I look at Jimin. I smile at him, even though my body starts to tremble, which he can feel through the arm pressed against me.

"What's wrong, Nae?"

Turning to look back out at the crowd gathered, I say softly, "There's so many people out there. You guys have an image to uphold. I'll get out of the vehicle last, and I'll act like I'm one of the staff." I turn to look at each of them. "Don't pay any attention to me. Don't treat me like I'm more special than anyone else who works with you."

I see Yoongi and Hobi looking at me thoughtfully while Jimin shakes his head.

"Yes, Jimin. It has to be done this way. Nobody, and I repeat nobody, should find out about my relationship with you. At least not this way. Don't give anyone the power to start rumors. We all know the truth of us, and that's all that matters."

Jimin looks back at the other two, seeing that they agree with me with a nod of their heads. I see his shoulders drop and the sadness on his face.

"I don't like keeping this secret."

"But she has a point, Jimin-ah," Yoongi replies, placing his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Remember what she told us last night? She understands this world we live in and how it works. Follow her lead in this."

"I agree with both NaeYeong and Yoongi hyung, Jimin-ah. I don't like it either, because she's with us and she's our little sister, but she's right. It's better this way." He squeezes Jimin's other shoulder, then adds "For now."

I nod at them both, then look back at Jimin. "We need to let the others know as well. And the other staff."

"I've got it," Hobi says as he holds up his phone, dialing a number. I hear Namjoon's voice clearly over the connection. We sit patiently as Hobi explains the situation, then there's quiet as it's repeated to the other members in their vehicle. I'm surprised at the sound of the others disagreeing with it in the background, then Namjoon's voice repeating what Yoongi stated to Jimin, almost word for word. Then he gets back on the line and I hear that they all agree to do it, but under extreme protest. I nod again in acceptance as Hobi ends the call. I look at Jimin and squeeze his hand. Lifting it to my lips, I place a kiss on it.

Turning to look forward, I see the staff members in front looking back at me in surprise, that I think turns into a hint of respect as they pull up to the doors, the other members' vehicle pulling in behind ours.

As the vehicle is put in park, I give his hand one more tight squeeze, feeling his own return, and I let go reluctantly. Doing so is much harder than I expected it to be.

Squaring my shoulders, I gather my aura around me like a cloak as the staff get out and open Jimin's door for the guys to disembark. I wait until all seven members start walking to the door before I step out of the vehicle and close the door.

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