Chapter 17 - Part 1

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The next morning, I slowly wake to little giggles in surround sound. The heat of a solid body wrapped around mine starts to pull me back under until a new round of sweet giggles attack my senses again. The arms holding me tighten slightly before loosening, and I know Jimin is also waking up slowly.

"SeoYeon, HaYoon..." I croak out, "Go back to bed. It's too early to be awake yet."

Neither girl says a word, erupting into more of those sweet little giggles.

"What are you giggling about, my two little troublemakers?" I ask as I crack one eye open, peering at a small, deep brown eye several inches from mine. I feel a little finger poke me in the nose, more giggles erupting from behind me.

"Auntie NaeNae," I hear a loud whisper after the giggles die down, "Make us waffles. We're hungry!"

The eye gets even closer until a little nose touches mine.

"I don't know if I have things to make waffles, honey bear," I say then blow a quick puff of air at the face touching mine, causing more giggles to trill in the air. "I've been gone for three weeks and don't have much in the house, sweetie, but let me get up and see what there is. Maybe we'll all be surprised."

The eye moves away as I open both of mine, and I see HaYoon sitting on my side of the bed, a toothy grin causing her double dimples to pop. I look over my shoulder to see SeoYeon leaning across Jimin's hip. I frown a little.

"SeoYeon! Get off your Uncle Jimin! That's rude without asking first!" I quietly scold.

"It's alright, Nae, it doesn't bother me," I hear him say behind me. I turn more to see he's wide awake, watching and listening, and he brushes some stray hairs from her face, a soft smile on his as he addresses her. "SeoYeon, why don't you and your sister go in the living room and read your books from last night while your Auntie Nae and I get dressed. Then we'll see what there is to eat. Okay?"

"Okay, Uncle Jiminie!" she giggles as she pushes off his hip and jumps from the bed, HaYoon following as she skips out the door. I roll onto my back, rubbing both hands down my face then look over at him.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I didn't think they would come in here and wake us up."

"It's okay, Nae," he says, settling his hand on my lower belly. "This is good practice for when our own children are born and do it." He smiles at me, then kisses the tip of my nose. "Now come on, we have hungry children to feed!"

At that he throws the covers off and hops out of bed, walking to the bathroom and closing the door. I sigh, knowing he's right, but damn it. I was hoping to sleep in a little longer. I squint over at the clock sitting on the dresser. Six twenty-seven! What the hell!?! I sigh once more then throw the covers off too, sitting up and dangling my legs over the edge. I stretch my arms up over my head and twist to both sides at the waist, listening to my spine pop a few times. Standing up, I bend over, touching the floor to lengthen my spine. Hearing the door to the bathroom open, I straighten up and walk around to the bedroom door, closing and locking it so the girls don't come in while we're changing. I walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind me as Jimin lifts up a suitcase to set it on the bed. When I leave the bathroom, I see Jimin is still rummaging through his suitcase.

"If you have any clothes you'd like washed, throw them in the hamper. I need to do some later but can throw yours in as well unless you'd prefer to do them yourself." I point to the hamper next to the bathroom door.

I walk over to the dresser, dropping my pajama bottoms and pulling the tank off quickly. Opening the top drawer, I look for my favorite underwear set. Pulling the thong on, I look up in the mirror to see Jimin watching me, his pajama bottoms tenting out. I look over my shoulder at him, pointedly gazing at it.

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