Chapter 4

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I hear so many voices surrounding me, a cacophony of noise, words that don't make sense to my addled brain. I take a few moments to focus on my body, taking stock of it. I can feel my feet, legs, and butt laying on a firm surface. My upper body is cradled within strong arms, the heat of that body around me and a strong heartbeat thumping in my ear. Fingers are lightly running through my hair, against my cheek and earlobe in what I can only call an absent-minded way.

I involuntarily snuggle a little closer to the body I'm being held by as I now hear Jimin's voice rumbling in the chest I'm pressed close to. His arms tighten slightly at my movement, his way of letting me know he knows I'm awake even though my eyes are still closed.

"Everyone, I need you to leave right now. I'll let you know when you can come back in."

All around me, the voices have quieted down and I can make out individuals – especially the other members – as they start to shuffle out of the room we're in. Before too long, it's just Jimin and I left.

"You can open your eyes, Nae...everyone is gone now," he whispers.

I shake my head slightly, and I hear a responding chuckle.

"Come on, Nae. Open your pretty eyes for me," he repeats.

Again, I shake my head.


"I'm so embarrassed, Jimin," I barely whisper loud enough into the silence making him lean closer, which I'm alright with as I'm enjoying his scent while being held by him. I've been wanting this for a long time, just not under these circumstances.

"Why are you embarrassed?" He places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Because I panicked at the thought of meeting all these people who know you, especially the other members," I reply in a tiny voice. "I just want to not be a spectacle or to bring shame to you as your guest here..."

My voice trails off at the end and I feel my face and ears heat up from even more embarrassment at those words.

"Nae." It almost sounds like exasperation when he says my name.

He takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly, as though he's trying to get himself under control. Tears are prickling and welling up slowly under my closed eyelids at the thought of that.

"Nae," he says my name once more, this time in a gentler tone. "Nae, please open your eyes."

I steel myself to see the disappointment that I'm positive he's feeling. But when I open them, a tear escapes.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I'll leave now," I say with sadness, my gaze darting everywhere but at him as I try to extricate myself from his embrace.

"No, Nae. I don't want you to leave," he states quietly yet forcefully, his arms tightening a bit more around my body as I try to get up again. "Seriously, Nae. I don't want you to leave. Please don't leave me." It was a softly spoken plea, barely loud enough to be heard.

My gaze finds his, and I see worry...and fear?

"Oh, Jimin..." I whisper. It's this moment of vulnerability that any other person will never see, and it breaks my heart that he has to show it to me. I lift my hand and cup his cheek, searching his face for anything that makes me nervous or feel an untruth there. It's the most honest expression I've seen.

"I won't leave. You are my everything, Park JiMin. Always." I vow to him.

"Do you promise?"

"I do."

He lifts me up so his lips can capture mine, pain, worry, and fear being replaced by hope and love.

Love. I pull back at that thought, searching his gaze. Should I dare hope for him feeling the same?

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