Chapter 6 - Part 1

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My brain slowly wakes up, and as I open my eyes, darkness greets me. I turn my head to look at the window. Leeza must've turned out the lights and closed the drapes before she left for the club, I think drowsily to myself as my eyes start to drift shut again.

Suddenly, they pop open. That can't be right - I'm supposed to be in Hobi's room. Wait. Jimin was with me when I fell asleep. Right? I question myself silently. Turning my head in the opposite direction I can't see anything, and I don't hear anyone else breathing in the room.

"Was that only a dream?" I whisper into the quiet room. I run my hand over the spot I was sure he had been when I fell asleep, but the sheets and pillows are cold to my touch. "I guess it was."

I sit up, untwisting the material of my dress and hiking it up to my waist so I can pull my bare legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and resting my cheek on my knees, facing the covered window. I can see silver moonlight outlining the panels of the drapes, bright enough that I can make out the shadowy silhouettes of the furniture between them and me. My thoughts go back to the previous day, going through everything said, everything done, wondering if I could've done anything differently.

I close my eyes to the visualization of Jimin dancing on stage - his dimple, his smiles, his strong legs - letting my mind wander where it wants. I can feel my body heating up at those thoughts, reacting naturally to the visuals in my brain.

As my thoughts change to what I had hoped would've happened between us if the birthday surprise had gone to plan, I'm very into the real sensations of my body as I run my fingertips up and down my leg that I conjure the feeling of Jimin trailing his fingertips along my lower leg as well. I moan softly into the room as I bring my fantasy to life, reveling in the feeling of him touching me.

Those fingertips glide down my leg, then softly back up my calf a few times. I can't stop the soft, uninhibited moans that escape my parted lips with each stroke. My breathing quickens at the sensations being aroused by my conjured fantasy man. Even my name being whispered softly seems so real... "Nae."

"Oh Jimin..." I whisper as the fingertips caress back down to my ankle, then move to the inside of my leg and up until they are touching my crossed arms.

Slowly, the fingers trail up my arm, across my shoulder, to the back of my neck, stopping there for a moment. Then they're gone, and I feel alone again, bereft and cold yet on fire.

Suddenly warm lips touch where the fingers had been, sending shivers down my spine. Little nips replace the soft touch of the lips, and the fire bursts into an explosive flame coursing through my blood stream.

The fingers are back on my arm, trailing down to my leg, stopping at my ankle. A hot hand wraps around it, my own hand moving to cover it. I open my eyes and turn my head to look, astonished.

"You're actually here. You aren't a dream."

Jimin lifts his head to look me in the face, a question on it.

"You weren't here when I woke up, so I thought I had dreamt of falling asleep in your arms," I explain quietly.

"I couldn't sleep in my jeans and went to my room to get into something more comfortable. I also brought a pair of my shorts and another pair of pajama pants, plus a few shirts for you to choose from. I was thinking your dress might not be very comfortable to sleep in... if you want."

I look where he's gesturing at the end of the bed, seeing a small pile of folded clothes silhouetted there.

"You're very thoughtful. I appreciate that," I smile, letting go of my legs and his hand as I sit up straight. He's kneeling on the bed next to me, in a different t-shirt and a pair of silky looking pajama bottoms. I can still feel his hot hand on my ankle, and I realize how exposed my bottom half is, but I'm not sure what to do. If I move to cover myself, I'm going to call attention to it, and I start to worry that would be awkward between us.

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