Chapter 29

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Jimin doesn't say anything and nothing but shock shows on his face at my announcement. I watch as his gaze leaves me to stare out over Seoul's skyline, his brows furrowing as he thinks about what I just said.

"Are you sure about that?" Jimin asks, looking back down at me to see the myriad emotions crossing my face in rapid succession. I nod, my eyes starting to tear up. I wipe furiously at them, not wanting them to spill over, feeling like I should be angry instead, but I can't seem to think about it that way. I can't stop from feeling the hurt of Leeza's deceit.

"Yes, Ms. Hyun confirmed it. She even showed us the emails she's received, and there have been a lot over the past two weeks. They have Leeza written all over them. Hell, she even went as far as to sign them, and everything came from her email address! I never said she was smart."

"Maybe she wants you to know it's her..." he says carefully, watching my reaction.

"But why? Why does she want me to know...? What would be the purpose?" I'm perplexed by that statement.

"I don't know... Maybe it's not so much about the why, but the what. What she wants you to know. Perhaps it's a mind game, some sick thing to get you stressed and worried? Some way to get back at you for some perceived slight?"

I shake my head, my first thought is that she wouldn't be that manipulative. That she wasn't that creative. But then things start to click into place. First little things, little instances, little looks and words...

"Oh, f*ck..." I breathe out, my heart suddenly racing, a full-blown panic attack starting to take hold and I start to hyperventilate. I grip Jimin's arms, trying to anchor myself as the thoughts race through my brain and the shaking starts. " can't be... No..."

I'm shaking my head, my eyes wide and wild as I repeat those words over and over.

"Nae?" I hear Jimin's voice from far away. "Nae, stay with me, love. Stay with me... Nae!"


"Nae? Baby? Come back to me..." I hear the words echoing from the end of a long, dark tunnel. I know that voice, and the more I hear it, the more I'm drawn to it. "My love, come back to me... Come back..."

"Jimin?" I croak out softly, feeling a hand cradling my cheek, and I turn into it. I don't open my eyes yet, just needing the contact. Because once I open my eyes, I'll be back to reality. A reality I don't want to think about at the moment. But I'm not given that choice to stay in the comfort I'm craving, the one place where I want to be right now.

"Baby, open your eyes for me, I need to see them. Please...?" There's worry in his voice, and that's what makes me do what he asks. My eyes find his dark brown ones immediately, and the pain I see hurts my heart knowing that I'm the one who put it there. And it hurts even worse knowing I put him in possible danger just by knowing and loving me.

"She's the one who set up the cabin that night... She was there..." I whisper, my hands gripping his shirt. "That's what she wants me to know. You're right, it's all been a mind game with her. She knew what he did, every little thing, every little detail. She knew...and she's been playing with me all these years..."

When my voice trails off, he pulls me into his arms, rocking me as the tears come silently. He gently holds my head to his heart, and I listen to the solid thumping beneath my ear.

"I'm so sorry for bringing this into your life..." I continue to whisper, scared that when he realizes it, he won't want me anymore, and the tears flow faster. He holds me tighter without saying anything, allowing me to cry until I can't anymore. When I'm ready, I sit up and wipe my face, scared to look him in the eyes. He puts a finger under my chin and raises it, forcing me to look at him.

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