Chapter 25

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We arrive at Gimpo International Airport early Saturday morning. As soon as we touch down and turn our phones on again, Jimin and Jae-sung are bombarded with non-stop notifications.

"I never considered something like this might happen," I say quietly. "I should've though...we know this is always going to be a possibility."

"No, Nae. This is something that shouldn't have happened. It never should've been leaked..." Jimin holds my hands in his, running his thumbs along the backs of them. When I look up, his eyes are shimmering, mirroring my own.

"Jimin-ssi, you know this is something we should've planned for. We've become complacent over the past week. Even I didn't consider it happening," Jae-sung shakes his head, and I can see the anger etched into his face.

"So what do we do now? We have to change our plans, make sure that no one knows we came together," I say. "Even if it somehow gets out that we came together on the same plane, we need to make sure it doesn't look as if we are "together" together, you know."

We all throw out ideas, casting most of them aside. In the end, we settle on how to make it appear that Jimin is coming back from a work-related trip to the States in relation to his planned solo album. Jae-sung makes a quick call to put their part of the plan into action. While they wait, both Jimin and Jae-sung change into different clothing. When Jae-sung comes out of the small bathroom in his suit, my heart plummets because it occurs to me this will be an ongoing thing from now on. We can't be anonymous like we were in New York City.

Once Jimin has changed into his airport outfit, he comes straight to me, grabbing me up in his arms and kissing me soundly.

"I love you so much, Nae. We're going to get through this, and I hope someday soon this won't be an issue and we can go everywhere we want to together, as we are meant to..." he murmurs into my hair as he places his cheek against my temple. I can only nod my head in acceptance and agreement, choked up knowing my first trip through the city of Seoul, my new home, will not be with him by my side. We hear the distinct sound of a notification come through on Jae-sung's phone. Reluctantly, he lets me go and steps back, slowly moving away from me. When he gets near the open door, he lifts his hand and blows me a kiss.

"Jimin!" I say, moving forward quickly as he turns to follow Jae-sung out the door, who had also just finished kissing Anaïse. "Wait!"

Both Jae-sung and Jimin stop, turning to look back at me. When I reach him, I grab his hand, my fingers sliding over his ring. When I look up into his eyes, he sees what I'm about say and he's already shaking his head.

"No, NaeYeong. It stays on. I don't care what people think, my love."

"We don't want any rumors started..." I start to say, but he interrupts me.

"But where is the lie? I am in a relationship, I am married," he declares vehemently.

"I know, my love... And I want nothing more than to see you wearing it all the time, but we both know that you need to appear as if you're available and free. If nothing else, put it on your other hand or let me hang onto it until we're together again at the meeting place..." With a catch in my throat I look up into his face, almost surprised that we both have tear-filled eyes, tears that are ready to fall.

"No. It stays on. I'll keep my hand in my pocket, or my shirt down over my hand. I'll figure something out. But it stays on," he says with conviction right before his mouth covers mine with outright passion, to show me that I'm his and he's mine and there's nothing that will change it. His hand snakes into my hair, holding me to him as I bring his left hand up to place it over my heart so he can feel the beat of it. Then he kisses me a few more times, gently this time.

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