Chapter 13

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My eyes pop open as the first rays of light brighten our hotel room. I feel Jimin's hot body wrapped around mine from the back, his hand cupping my br*ast, fingers twitching every so often across my n*pple. Maybe that's what woke me up...

I snuggle back into him, closing my eyes. Only to have them pop open again when I hear the timid knock at our door. Sitting up suddenly, my head whips in that direction, listening for it again to make sure my mind isn't playing tricks on me. When it happens a third time, I flip the covers back and scoot out of bed quickly.

"Nae?" Jimin's sleepy voice murmurs from behind me. "What's wrong?"

As I stand up, I grab a pair of shorts and a tank, throwing them on hastily. When I don't answer, he sits up, running his hand through his hair then down his face, one eye squinting at me.

"What's going on?" he asks again, this time his voice stronger and less sleepy.

"I think Ha-eun is at the door." As I say that, the knock happens again. "What if something's wrong...?"

He throws the covers back as well, pulling on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt as I move toward the door. Looking back, I see he's right behind me and I move to throw the locks. He puts his hand over mine, and a finger over his lips to keep me quiet. Looking through the peep hole, I see his shoulders relax as he unlocks the door and pulls it open to reveal Ha-eun and JiYeong standing there in matching pajamas.

Looking over at me, I know I must have a perplexed look on my face. He shrugs apologetically, saying only, "You can never be too careful..." That's when his actions make sense. I nod and turn back to my brother and sister-in-law.

"Come in, please," I gesture for them to enter, walking in front of them to the chairs near the windows. I hear the door being closed and the locks set again as I go to sit down, rubbing my hands over my cool flesh as goosebumps rise from the cold air.

Ha-eun and JiYeong sit down across from me, still not having said anything, but I see they're holding hands. "Is everything okay? Is it HaeYun or Joo-won? Where are the girls?"

Jimin walks over and hands me a sweatshirt. I lift it to my nose, inhaling his scent. I see the lust flare in his eyes before he masks it. As I stand up to put it on, he grabs a blanket from the end of the bed then sits down first, pulling me onto his lap and resting the blanket over my bare legs. His arms snake around my waist beneath the blanket, one hand sliding up under the sweatshirt and tank to touch my bare skin. I smile at him, then turn to my family sitting across from us. Looking from one to the other, I feel a bit of alarm rise. I see sadness on Ha-eun's face and worry on JiYeong's. Leaning forward a bit, I ask again.

"What's wrong?"

My brother takes a deep breath before looking over at Ha-eun. I see him squeeze her hand, then he looks back at me.

"We need to find a clinic that will take walk-ins to have an exam completed right away..." he whispers into the silent room.

"Ha-eun?" I ask, my heart skipping a beat at his grim tone. She looks up at me, tears filling her eyes.

"I told him last night after he told me what happened with Soo-ah... I didn't have a choice because I started cramping," she says in a tiny voice, her eyes dropping to their clasped hands.

"Oh, Ha-eun," I say, my voice cracking as my own tears well up. JiYeong looks down at his wife, his heart in his eyes.

"We don't think she miscarried, but we want to make way or another..." his eyes move to mine, the sheen in them telling me everything I need to know, pleading with me to help the love of his life and his baby.

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