Chapter 21 - Part 1

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"What do you mean, they're missing?!" I yell as I slam the door shut. "How incompetent can you be? Seriously? I'm gone for three weeks, and all the work put into this project, gone!"

"Oh, hell no! Don't you dare pin this on me! You were the last one with the file, not me! I did what you told me to do then I put it back in the cabinet, just like I always do. But that was days before you left on vacation!" Muriel yells at me. Throwing the door back open, she storms out of my office to her desk, sitting down and slamming her hands across the keys of her computer in anger.

I stalk after her, my own anger easy for everyone around to see. "Don't you dare walk away from me, Muriel! We aren't done with this conversation!" I hiss at her, leaning threateningly across her desk to get in her face.

She stands up, leaning into me so that our faces are mere inches apart, her height making it so that she towers above me as I stand up more to not feel so small. "Don't give me that sh*t. You leave for three weeks, making me field all questions about your work, only to come back and leave again. Did you even think where that would leave me? God, you are such a selfish b*tch!" she hisses back.

Out of the corner of my eyes I can see people standing, trying not to look like they're watching, speaking quietly behind hands and papers held up to cover their mouths. I continue to stare at Muriel, my eyes squinting, sizing her up.

"What the hell does that mean?" I wait a quick moment before continuing in frustration. "Never mind, because you don't know what I've gone through to get where I am, so if you want to call me a b*tch, so be it. I'm glad I'm getting transferred. This whole thing is showing me exactly who you are!" I sneer, taking a step back. "You'll always be just a lowly assistant, especially if you keep losing important files like this..."

"I told you, I didn't lose it! Do you even listen to anything anyone tells you?? You're the last one to have the f*cking file! And you want to know what else? I'm glad you're leaving!! Out of all the people I've worked for as an assistant in this company, you've been the worst! I was just biding my time. At least this saves me the time and energy from having to figure out how to leave your sorry *ss to someone else! I guess the rumors I've been hearing are true!" She straightens up, throwing on her coat and opening a drawer in her desk to grab her purse, then walking away. Before she gets far, I grab her by the arm, spinning her around.

"What the hell does that mean? What rumors? And just where the hell do you think you're going? You still have to find that damn file or else I could lose my job!" I hiss again. "I've already been warned by the bosses that if I don't figure this out and we lose the project account, I'm done!"

She yanks her arm from my grip before spitting, "Sucks to be you then, doesn't it! At least I'll still have a job, and hopefully whoever I work with after you're gone will be much better and know what the hell they're doing! Have a nice life!" She spins on her heel and strides away, head held high as people quickly jump out of her way.

I look around, giving a d*ath glare to the other assistants and associates who have gathered. Even the junior partners have stepped to their doors to see what the commotion is. I walk stiffly back in my office, slamming the door shut. Walking to my desk, I lean on it, letting my head hang, breathing heavily. Thank god there's no one in here with me. I scream in frustration as I sweep the papers and phone off my desk in a rage. Falling into my chair, I slouch down, running my hands over my face. I close my eyes, rubbing my temples before turning to stare out the window at the view of the building across the street.

It's only a few minutes before I hear a knock on the door. When I don't answer, it gets cracked open and Benji Franken, another junior partner, sticks his head in. I don't glance at him.

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