Chapter 8 - Part 2

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Hours later, we arrive safely back at the hotel, satisfied with full bellies. We had to laugh when we returned to the room at the restaurant because the food was almost gone, but Jungkook had plenty of help with it.

Jimin has hold of my hand, leading me out of the elevator toward his room. While the food and company were good, I'm feeling exhausted from a lack of sleep the night before and a long, emotionally tiring afternoon. I'm looking forward to some of my Jiminie-alone time, even if it's just to cuddle for a bit.

I lift his hand up to look at the time on his watch, seeing I have approximately two hours before I need to start making those important phone calls.

"Are you nervous to make the calls?"

I think for a moment, then shake my head. "I don't think so. I mean, it will be a huge change, so I think I'm more nervous about that, not the phone calls, no."

We continue walking in silence. When we get to the room, he opens the door. I drop my bag and remove my shoes as soon as I step in, my body sagging against the wall with my eyes closed. After taking his own off, he walks into the main room to drop his phone and wallet on the desk.

"Baby, come here."

"I feel too tired to take another step."

I hear his quiet footsteps coming closer. Stopping behind me, he carefully removes the hair sticks, and I hear them being set on the bathroom counter. Then the safety bolt on the room door is thrown before he comes back and slides his arms around my waist to untie my dress. Sliding it down my arms, he removes it carefully, then unhooks my bra and slides it off. I feel him walk away only to return a moment later with a t-shirt that smells faintly of him, which he puts on me. Then he picks me up and lays me on the soft bed.

In my half-awake state of awareness, I hear the bags we still need to go through rustling as he moves them to the chairs. Then I hear the faint rustle of clothing being removed. His warm body slides next to mine, and I curl into it, my hand touching bare flesh as his arms wrap around me, holding me close. I drift off quickly.

Moist lips touch my forehead, then both eyelids, my cheeks, the tip of my nose, and my chin before landing on my own lips. A tongue sweeps across their seam seeking entrance, which I give.

Hands start to roam over my body, waking nerve endings before my brain is fully conscious of it happening. My own hands start to explore the body hovering over me, feeling the strong muscles in his back bunch and relax under them. I moan into his mouth as he rubs his cloth covered hardness against my satin covered core, the friction from the feel of him making me wet.

I slide my hands down his back and under the waistband of the offending material covering him. I push it down wanting to feel his gorgeous *ss in my hands as I knead the flesh. His body moves off mine and I pout when I lose the feel of him. There's movement then he's sliding the thong down my legs and taking the shirt off over my head before his n*ked body presses down over mine again, pinning me to the bed.

I haven't opened my eyes yet, basking in the floating feeling found between sleep and consciousness. He slides easily into my wetness, and my hands find the hard muscles of his *ss again, kneading as he starts gliding in and out of me in a slow rhythm, his mouth and tongue playing with my n*pples, keeping them hard.

Gripping him tight, I guide the pace for a while as my brain starts to catch up with my body, and I open my eyes to see my Jimin making love to me. He feels the difference in me and looks up, grinning as he continues to thrust slowly into me.

I grin wickedly back at him as I dig my fingers into his *ss, urging his body to go faster and harder, which he complies with immediately. Soon we are both panting as he pounds into me, hitting all the right spots deep inside, and his mouth covers mine to swallow the scream that he knows will erupt as my org*sm hits hard. I hang onto his body for dear life as I feel as if I am splintering around him, a fresh flood of juices coating us both as he continues to pump a few more times until he stiffens against my body, releasing his hot load deep within me.

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