Chapter 28

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"That was really good soup, Anaïse unnie. Thank you for making it! I'm feeling better already."

I set my empty bowl down on the table in front of the couch. The soup was delicious and filling, but now I'm feeling sleepy. I lean my head on a large throw pillow that smells like Jimin, turning to inhale his scent in deep. Or it could be from his sweatshirt I have on.

"You're welcome, Nae. I'm glad it helped. The original recipe was actually for chicken gumbo, but Mawmaw reworked it so that it could be either one, then taught me how to make it when I was a teenager. It's never failed me," Anaïse explains as she washes the dishes and puts things away in the kitchen. Walking into the living room to pick up my empty bowl, she looks at me and chuckles. "You look like you could take another nap."

"I feel like it! Maybe I'll just close my eyes for a few minutes..." I murmur to myself as I do exactly that.

When I wake up, it's dark outside, and I'm enveloped in warm arms in our bed. I stiffen as I stretch, and the arms loosen up enough for me to look up briefly before soft lips cover mine. My stretch turns into melting into the warm body pressed up against mine, and I feel the unmistakable hardness of him.

In a moment, I have to pull back though because my body is choosing the most inopportune time to make its needs known versus what I want.

"Jimin..." I tap his shoulder with my hand.

"Hmmm..." is the only response I receive as his lips move down my neck, so I tap harder to get his attention.

"Love..." I try again, but his lips are working magic on my senses, and I'm about to forget why I needed to get up. My body reminds me again though, causing me to push against him to make sure I get his attention this time. When I finally have it, I shake my head. "We need to take a quick break because...well, my body is saying I need to...first... Then I'm all yours."

"Baby..." he whines almost like he's in pain, and with how he feels rubbing on me, that may be the case.

"Give me two minutes, then I'll be back. I promise!" He lets go and I roll over to hop out of bed, only to land hard on the floor. "Damn it!"

He's next to me in a split second, cradling my body as I try to get up. "I'm okay, love. I just lost my balance, but now I really need to go to the bathroom!"

Before I realize what's happening, he has me in his arms and is striding to our bathroom, setting me down gently and stepping out, closing the door on his retreating form. When I'm finished and have freshened up, I come back out to find him lying across the bed, arms akimbo, this time without his clothes and staring at the ceiling, low lighting washing across him. And he's more than ready.

I shed my clothes as I walk in, dropping each piece along my path as I go. When I get to the bed, I pause to admire his body. I don't think I'll ever get tired of staring at or enjoying him...

"Baby..." he breathes out when he sees me staring, his body reacting. He crooks his finger, calling me to come to him, then drops his arm back down on the bed. I climb on slowly, watching him watch me. I smile seductively and bite my lip as I get closer. When I'm within touching distance, I lean down so my chest is in contact with the bed as I slide toward him, the fabric of the covers brushing against my hardening n*pples. My br*asts cradle his hand between them as I glide up his arm, placing little kisses along the way until I reach his shoulder. There I bite gently, getting his attention if I didn't have it before. Then I'm kissing my way across his collarbone to his neck. Pressing my lips against his pulse for a few moments, I feel his heart rate increase when I slide my hand from the bed and across his abdomen, teasing his c*ck with my fingertips.

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