Chapter 19 - Part 1

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I lift my head up to look at the clock. Seven-thirty... Only seven-thirty?

I try to move but realize my head is the only thing I can shift at the moment, a weight holding me down in place. I look down to see Jimin sprawled across my body, his head resting on my chest, arm across my abdomen with his hand holding mine, his pelvis snuggled up next to my thigh and his leg over my lower legs. Thankfully, my bandaged hand is resting above my head on the pillow, but it's achy and throbbing.

I groan quietly as I try to slide out from under him with the intention of going to the bathroom. With the slightest move, he grips my hand tighter and snuggles in closer.

"Don't leave me," he mumbles.

"I won't leave you, my love," I whisper, extracting my hand from his, brushing the hair from his forehead as I angle my head so I can see his face better. There's a frown settled between his brows, pulling them down over his closed eyes. I see a muscle twitch in his jaw.

"I love you, please don't leave," he mutters again, sliding his hand up my side, resting it just below my br*ast, his fingers twitching against the soft skin there. "I can't live without you, Nae...please don't leave..." I can hear his pain and fear in those softly stated words.

"Shhh, my love, I'm not going anywhere..." I say again, my fingertips fluttering across his cheek to his jawline. I shift my body so I'm angled towards him slightly more than before, allowing the ability to run my thumb over his full lips. I see a smile curve them up briefly.

"I love you so much, my little flower. You need to watch over your beautiful eomma while I'm away...can you do that for me, my little spirit..." he mumbles again, his breathing slowing down to a calmer pace as his hand slides up further, cupping my br*ast. His fingertips tremble over my n*pple, making it stand to attention under his unintentional touch.

"Jiminie, my love," I softly call as I lightly stroke my fingertip over his dark eyebrow a few times, relaxing the muscles there. Then I stroke it down his straight nose from bridge to tip a couple times. "Jiminie, wake up Baby..."

I continue to caress his face with my fingertips, watching as my body responds to his touch on it. While it arouses me, my concern over whatever it is that he's dreaming about overrides it.

"Jimin, wake up, sweetie, you're dreaming," I repeat, still feathering touches to his face. I can feel the difference the moment he starts to wake, his body stiffening as it fights consciousness. Then he's stretching and groaning, his body popping and I feel envious. He rolls over, facing the other direction.

I take the opportunity to slip out of bed to go to the bathroom, closing the door quietly behind me. Finishing quickly, I gather our scattered clothes from the night before, draping them over my arm as I re-enter the bedroom, and I pause seeing his half closed, still sleepy eyes watching my movements.

I set them down on the edge of the hamper, kneeling next to the bed so I'm eye level as I rest my chin on my arm. He reaches out, his touch on my cheek causing my eyes to drift closed.

"Good morning my beautiful wife," he whispers, a smile curving his lips up.

"Good morning my gorgeous husband," I whisper back, my eyes fluttering open. He scoots his upper body forward, pressing his lips to mine.

"Would you mind helping me with a shower this morning? I really need one but know I won't be able to do things one handed, especially if I have to keep this," I lift up my bandaged hand, "outside the shower."

"Of course! You know I'll do anything for you, love," he kisses me again before whispering against my lips, "especially if it involves touching your body."

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