Chapter 12 - Part 1

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I wake the next morning to sunlight streaming through the open drapes, suggesting it's much later than I originally thought. I stretch my body like a lazy cat just waking up from a nap, a satisfied smile on my face, and I roll over to stretch next to my lover's hot body.

Only to realize he's not in bed. I sit up quickly, looking around the room.

"Jimin?" I call out, listening for any sign that he may be in the bathroom, but I'm met with silence. Getting up, I walk to the bathroom, the door wide open and the light off. Walking back to the desk, I pick up my phone with the intention of checking for messages. And my eyes widen when I see it's nearly eleven in the morning! There's absolutely no way I slept for almost twelve hours! I look again, and sure enough, I did.

I grab a pair of shorts and a tank top from my suitcase and put them on before walking with my phone back to the bed. I'm getting ready to text him when I see a piece of paper propped on the small table next to the bed with my name on it. Picking it up, I start to read.

'My love, you looked so peaceful this morning when I woke up. I didn't want to disturb you. I need to run out to pick some things up and hope to be back before you know I'm gone. But if I'm not, know I love you with my whole heart. Only Yours, Jimin'

With the note, my anxiety at waking up alone dwindles away. I decide to get dressed for the day in a pair of comfortable dress pants and a soft loose camisole covered by another cardigan sweater. Pulling out the only pair of sneakers that I brought, I move to the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth. I notice I have a small love bite across my collar bone, causing me to smile unconsciously at the memory of how I got it last night.

Walking back to the bedroom, I look out at the day, seeing blue sky and bright sunlight. How I wish we were near the water...and I have a sudden urge to write. Turning around, I search for my journal, which is nowhere in the room. Everything that had been in my bag is now set neatly on the desk, the bag gone. A little distracted by that sight, I grab the small handbag from my suitcase and put a few things in it. Then I sit down in one of the chairs by the window, thinking back to the last time I saw the journal because the urge to write is back.

Hobi's room! That's the last place I saw it...and hope it's still there. I chew on my thumb thinking of ways to get it because going over to his room isn't an option since I don't have a key card to get back into ours. Picking up my phone, I get ready to text Jimin when our door opens and he walks in, a few small bags in hand. I watch him slip his shoes off, then walk over to me. Leaning over, he kisses me on the lips, the tip of the nose, the forehead, then the top of my head.

"Good morning, Sleepy Beauty. I'm glad to see you're awake. Are you ready for an afternoon of sight-seeing?" he asks as he pecks me on the lips again. Moving over to the chair near me, he sits down with the bags on his lap.

I look at him, then the bags, my eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Maybe...? Where are we going?" My gaze moves back up to his face.

"That, my love, is a surprise!" he grins cheekily at me.

"And what if I've already gone to wherever you're taking me?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Did you see it with me?"

"Um, no...?"

"Then it'll be like seeing it for the first time! It'll be our first time going together!" his grin spreads wide at that, and I have to laugh at how happy he looks.

"You're right, it'll be a new memory for me no matter what! Okay, I'm ready!!" I stand up and ask, "Do I need to change or is this fine to go in?"

"That's perfect! You're perfect..." he says as he stands up and pulls me into his embrace, kissing me again. Holding me, he asks, "So what were you doing when I came in?"

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