Chapter 9 - Part 1

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I wake early the next day with warm arms wrapped tightly around me. It's still fairly dark in the room with the curtains drawn, but I can see the faint light along the edges brightening slowly. I don't move for another hour enjoying the feel of him next to me, thinking about how drastically my life has changed in the past two weeks. I never expected that by looking for my roots in Busan, South Korea I would also find my future.

I roll slowly toward him, trying not to wake him, so I can lay there committing his features to memory. My heart is bursting knowing he feels the same for me and wants me now and forever.

We had continued to talk about the future late into the night, what we wanted, what the next steps were, and what would be coming up in the next few years. I could feel the sadness in him when he spoke of the decisions that would be announced soon, after the concert.

I run my finger across his brows then down his nose softly, barely skimming, to his slightly parted lips. I freeze when his tongue swipes across his lips, but he settles again. Moving once more, I touch down over his chin to his collarbone, which I glide over to his shoulder then down the arm that's laying across my hip. Before reaching his elbow, I dip my fingers to his bare chest, lightly teasing the flat n*pple showing above the blanket he had draped over us when we finally settled for the night.

I feel his arm twitch on my hip as I do that. Instead of continuing to feather my touch there, I slide my fingers under the covers, down his abdomen, over his belly button, finding the light trail of hair going down, seeking what I want to feel.

I watch his face as I trail my fingers down his length, which is hardening as I touch it. I see his lips part as I wrap my hand around him, sliding my hand up and down his sh*ft, then palming his b*lls and moving back up to the tip.

Leaning forward I run the tip of my tongue across his flat n*pple, flicking a few times with it, feeling it harden as his c*ck gets harder in my hand. His hips jump a bit as I start stroking him again.

Saliva pools in my mouth as I have the sudden urge to wrap my mouth around him, tasting him. I shimmy a bit so that I'm able to kiss my way down his body, pushing the blanket down further revealing his bare hip and upper thigh. He rolls over onto his back to give better access for what I want.

I maneuver my body so that I'm now facing down, my knees under me as I wrap my mouth around him, drawing him in deeper. I feel his hand slide up the back of my thigh to my bare *ss cheek, his fingers finding my opening, which is already weeping with the pleasure his touch inflicts on me. Slowly he pushes a finger, then a second one, into me as he slides his c*ck deeper into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat.

"Baby, I want to taste you while your mouth is wrapped around me..." I hear him sleepily rasp. He pulls his fingers from me, sliding them through my wet folds to rub my cl*t, then his hand slides down the inside of my thigh to my knee, only to tug it toward him. I take it as a signal to straddle his upper body. I feel so exposed right now, with my opening so close to his face, but excited at the same time.

I go back to enjoying the taste and feel of him in my mouth, his hard length a slow piston. Pulling my mouth from him, I lick his sh*ft from tip to root, to his b*lls, drawing them into my mouth to suck and lick.

My channel feels extremely sensitive as I feel his fingers parting me, and his tongue licks from my cl*t to dripping entrance before flicking there. Then it's extra pleasure as his tongue stabs deep and his mouth sucks, my channel clenching as a rush of liquid coats his lips. His thumb rubs across my tingling cl*t, as he uses both his tongue and fingers to bring me to the brink, holding back before I go over, prolonging the pleasure.

I continue my own ministrations of him, feeling his heavy c*ck in my hand and mouth twitching and throbbing.

Suddenly I feel his mouth gone and his hands pushing my body to the side, so I let go of him and roll over on the bed. Almost as quickly as I did, he's kneeling between my legs, guiding his hardness into my slick channel, burying himself as deep as he can before leaning over me and capturing my mouth with his own. I lift my hips up to meet each deep thrust, spiraling in the pleasure of feeling him rubbing and hitting the most pleasurable spot over and over.

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