Chapter 21 - Part 2

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"Come on, let's go back to your office," are the only words that come out of her mouth. I gulp, worry now going through my mind as I think perhaps I pissed her off without trying to. I follow silently as she leads me down the hall to the stairs, then down to my office. Opening the door to allow me to go in first, I comply, my eyes on her. All eyes turn to me as I sit gingerly at the edge of the couch next to Jimin, my gaze not leaving Anaïse as she slowly shuts the door, taking a deep breath with her back to us. Then she turns around and walks to where everyone is sitting. The look on her face is still unreadable as she stops next to Jae-sung to stare at me.

"I'm sorry, Anaïse...I didn't mean to overstep..." I start but snap my mouth shut as she shakes her head. Still not saying anything, she continues to stare at me. Jimin slides closer to wrap an arm around my waist and Jae-sung stands up to face her. Putting his hands on her face, he forces her to look at him. I slide my hand onto Jimin's thigh, needing the comfort of having as much physical touch with him as possible.

"Anaïse, what happened?" Jae-sung asks, placing his body in between us to get her focus on him instead of me.

"Why did you do it?" are the only words that pass her lips, and I can see her eyes are still on me. My mouth opens then closes, the look on her face making me pause before I finally answer.

"Because I didn't want you to worry about what you were going to do when you got there. You have enough to worry about with the move, and I thought it would be something you would be great at... And I told them if they decided to offer it, it would be totally up to you whether you said yes or no. I just made the suggestion..." I finish. I see her put her hands on Jae-sung's wrists, pulling his hands from her gently so she can step around to get right in front of me, staring down at me for a moment. Then she kneels down quickly, grabbing my free hand in her own, and I'm stunned when I look back up at her face to see tears in her eyes.

She smiles widely as she whispers, "Thank you, sister."

My eyes widen as she pulls me into a hug, squeezing me tightly. When she pulls back, I search her face for anger, but I can see only happiness.

"So does that mean you said yes?" I hesitantly question. She nods her head.

"I start right away as soon as my resignation is accepted with NYPD..." she says. "I'm supposed to go to HR to fill out the proper you know where I need to go? They told me I should do that today before we leave since tomorrow will be my last day with the force."

"Oh my god," I breathe. I nod quickly, standing back up, pulling her up with me.

"Babe, what's going on?" Jae-sung asks as he steps next to her, his gaze going between the two of us. "Will someone please tell us what happened, where you went, and why you were gone so long?"

Anaïse turns to him, her smile still lighting up her face. "I was so worried about moving and not having a job when I got there. Apparently NaeYeong talked to her bosses and I now have a new job with the security department...and specifically, my job includes being her security. I met with Mr. Wallace, Mr. Wilson and the Director of Security, Chief Hudson. Well, actually, I just had an interview with all three. They offered me the job on the spot. Granted, I still have to pass the background check, but I don't believe there'll be any problems with that. They were impressed with my military and law enforcement background."

She turns back to me. "Did you know that Security Chief Hudson is a former Marine? Semper Fi! Oo-rah!"

I can only shake my head, having never actually met the Chief. "I'll take you to HR right now."

"Stay, Ms. Cho, I can take her. You still need to eat," Muriel stands up, still looking out for me as she always does.

"Thank you, Muriel," I say as my stomach growls loudly in complaint. "I guess you're right. Can you do me another favor on your way back?"

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