Chapter 7

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I wake to a knock on the door. I sit up, stretching my arms over my head and yawning. Turning, I see Jimin is still sleeping, his hair in disarray. But he looks so at peace that I don't want to wake him. Not quite yet.

Running my hands down my braid, I can feel the wisps sticking out here and there, but I don't care. It can be explained away as I toss and turn in my sleep. Taking a quick glance around the room, I grab the clothes we had discarded last night, and fold them quickly, hiding certain bits inside my dress, his t-shirt and first set of pajama bottoms under it and set off to the side.

The knock happens again, and I see Jimin stirring at the sound. He reaches his hand out to where I had just been, running it around the empty space. I see his eyes open as he says my name, sitting up quickly.

"I'm right here, Baby. Someone is knocking on the door. I was going to answer it because I didn't want to wake you. You were up pretty late...early? this morning."

"It's okay, Nae. I need to be getting up anyway. We have another rehearsal this afternoon to do final checks of everything before tomorrow's concert. So why don't you climb back in bed, and I'll get the door." He says as he tosses the covers back.

"Umm, Jimin? Perhaps you should stay covered up..." I nod toward his lap where he's sporting morning wood. I feel the blush moving up my body, though this time it's not from embarrassment.

"It's okay, Nae. It's one of the guys and this isn't anything they've never seen before. After all, we lived together for quite a long time..."

"Well, in that case, I think I need to use the bathroom to take care of...something," I say as I grab my dress from yesterday. I head in and as I'm shutting the door, I hear him laughing as he walks to the room door. I hear him talking and laughing even more as I do my business, donning my bra and dress over his shorts. Slipping the scrap of thong into the deep pocket, I undo my braid and run the comb through my hair quickly, leaving it loose to flow down my back.

Checking my reflection in the mirror, I feel satisfied that nothing is showing from last night. Opening the door, I walk into the other room to see Yoongi and Namjoon sitting in the chairs talking to Jimin, who has slipped on a t-shirt. There are several dishes sitting on the table between them and Jimin motions me over. Walking to the desk first, I drop his folded t-shirt on top of my things, hiding what I know they all saw last night. With a blush I turn around, pulling the desk chair over with me.

Sliding it next to Jimin's chair, I sit with a smile on my face as Jimin grabs my hand, squeezing.

"Good morning, NaeYeong. How are you feeling this morning?" Namjoon asks as he hands me a plate and utensils. I take them with my free hand, smiling in gratitude.

"Good morning, Namjoon, Yoongi. I feel much better, thank you for asking."

"Did you sleep well?" Yoongi asks as he looks at Jimin's hand holding mine.

"I was up a couple of times, but other than that, I slept very well," I say as the blush deepens. I see Jimin grin at that. He lifts up my hand and places a kiss to the back of it, making me blush even more as he sets it back on the arm of the chair and grabs his own plate. I give him the look and he starts laughing. Both Yoongi and Namjoon look between us, noticing the subtle play, then look at each other. Namjoon clears his throat, his own grin spreading across his face as he chuckles.

"Well, I'm happy to hear it. We brought food. Figured you might be hungry after last night..."

My mouth drops open at that. I look first at Jimin, then Yoongi, then back at Namjoon, who shrugs and says, "Ummm, you weren't exactly quiet... and I'm a light sleeper."

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