Chapter 14

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We've been at the seaside cabin for the past three days and have made love so many times that I've lost count, on almost every surface imaginable. I never thought there were that many ways, and Jimin's been quite inventive, whether on purpose or just due to pure lust.

Most nights we make love before passing out from sheer exhaustion, and last night was no different.

I wake up again before the light of morning comes though, nature calling. Sliding out of bed, I walk silently into the bathroom, closing the door before turning on the light. I take a glance in the mirror, stopping to stare at all the marks across my body, remembering how each one was made. As I wash my hands, I scrub my face, thinking about things I need to do in the morning before heading back to the hotel and feel my stomach rumble, signaling how hungry I am.

Once my face feels clean, I spy the flowers and crystals from my hairdo that Ha-eun had created for our ceremony sitting in a little pile, the gifted earrings and necklace next to it. I'm grateful to see they have not been lost, knowing they need to be put someplace away from the sink where one little mishap could cause them to go down the drain by accident. My stomach grumbles angrily again and I feel a bit of nausea with it this time.

Picking up the jewelry, I turn off the light and open the door, walking over to the bed and staring down at my husband with a smile on my face. As my stomach reminds me once more, I set the jewelry on the table next to the bed and walk to the door. Spying Jimin's dress shirt hanging over the chair arm, I pick it up on my way by, sliding my arms in with the hem falling to mid-thigh. I push the sleeves up to my elbows, buttoning it only halfway up, allowing the fabric to hang on the outside of my br*asts because my n*pples still feel overly sensitive while walking the short hall to the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator door, I search the contents for something that may satisfy. Not seeing anything that doesn't cause nausea to roll through my body, I instead choose to make some tea, hoping that will be enough to settle my stomach so I can go back to bed.

While I wait for the water to heat, I walk to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the joined living room, looking out over the water on the horizon, noticing the first light of day breaking over it. Hearing the telltale sound of the kettle getting ready to whistle, I hurry back over to the stove, pulling it from the heat before it can wake Jimin.

I pour the hot water into a cup, settling the tea ball in, letting it steep for several minutes while I stare out at the sky letting my mind wander. When I look back down, the tea looks to be strong enough and I take the hot cup back to the windows where I stand, watching the sun crest above the water. The tea is cold by the time I take the last sip, feeling better than I was. At least I don't feel quite as nauseous.

I'm still lost in my own little world when strong warm arms slide around my body under my br*asts, his hot body pressed to my back, his chin resting lightly on my head.

"How long have you been up, love?" he asks, pressing a kiss to my hair.

"I'm not sure, but the sun wasn't up yet. The sunrise was beautiful, all pale colors painting the sky until the golden rays took over..."

"You should have woken me up. We could've watched it together."

"I wasn't feeling well when I woke up, so thought I'd find something to eat but nothing looked good. Made some tea to help settle my stomach instead. I didn't want to wake you because of that. I really didn't plan to watch the sunrise, but the water caught my attention. I can almost hear the waves breaking below. My body wants to move to their rhythm...I can feel it pulling..." I notice my body is swaying already without realizing it, his moving in sync with mine.

He plucks the empty cup from my hand, setting it on the table behind us, then turning me around and pulling my body into his. He starts humming music, and we sway together to it, my hands resting on his bare chest, his arms holding me close. I lean my head where my hands were, sliding my arms around his torso, enjoying his warmth.

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