Chapter 23

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When we finally walk out of the bedroom, it's almost ten. Jae-sung is sitting on the couch by himself, scrolling through his phone. He looks up at us as we move toward the kitchen.

"Did Anaïse go to work?" I ask as I start water to heat up for tea.

"Yes, she left a few hours ago. I think she plans to stay for her whole shift as long as they don't tell her to leave early because of her resignation."

"Would they do that?" Jimin asks, turning around to look at Jae-sung from his seat on the stool across from me. Jae-sung just shrugs.

"That's something she mentioned could happen. If it does, then she'll come back early," he says matter-of-factly.

"How can they do something like that? Especially if she's giving her resignation?" Jimin responds.

"New York is an Employment-at-Will state, meaning they can let her go at any time for any reason. If they don't want to pay her for putting in her resignation, they can do it, just like she can quit or resign on the spot without having to give prior notice. That's how it is in America," I explain.

"That seems so weird to me," Jimin says, shaking his head. Jae-sung does the same.

"I'm not sure which laws my company goes by with the office in Seoul, since our headquarters are here in New York. I suppose I could check into it, but I think they would have to go by South Korean employment law...wouldn't they?" I muse as I unplug the teapot when it starts to whistle, grabbing my cup and the tea from the cupboard. "Would anyone else like a cup of tea while I'm making some?"

"Thank you for asking, little sister, but I still have some coffee to drink," Jae-sung shakes his head, lifting his cup.

"Actually, I think I might go get some coffee instead, Baby," Jimin says as he comes up behind me to wrap his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder. "Would you like something for later?"

"That would be wonderful, my love," I say as I turn in his arms, putting mine around his neck as he leans into me. "I feel like I'm going to need the caffeine after a sleepless night. Could I get an iced mocha Frappuccino, extra whipped cream please? I'm craving sweets and chocolate again."

He gives me a thorough kiss, as if we hadn't just explored each other's bodies the past few hours.

"Come on, Jimin-ssi, let's go so we can get back quickly," Jae-sung says in a weary voice at us as he walks past to go into his room.

We both smirk as we kiss a couple more times before Jae-sung returns and has something else to complain about. I slide my hands down his torso to cup him through his jeans. "I'll be waiting when you get back, lover," I whisper seductively, looking up at him with big eyes, batting my lashes in an exaggerated manner.

He wiggles his eyebrows at me as he takes a step back, moving out of my reach. He bites his lip then runs his tongue over it, the smile on his face making the heat pool low.

"Now go, before I change my mind and have you to satisfy my sweet tooth instead...and if that happens, you won't be going anywhere for another few least..." I say breathlessly, shooing him away with my hands. He just laughs at me as he walks into the bedroom to grab his things.

"Are you ready, Jimin-ssi?" I hear Jae-sung call from near the door.

"Yes, hyung," Jimin calls back as he walks out of the bedroom, coming straight to where I'm still standing, watching him. He grabs me, dipping me backwards and kisses me hard before straightening us back up. My head is spinning as he pecks me quickly on the lips once more before walking to the door. When I hear the door latch behind them, I have to fan myself for a few moments before I can make my tea.

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