Chapter 17 - Part 2

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Once I settle into the waiting wheelchair, they roll me into an empty room in the busy ER. A nurse follows us in, handing me a folded piece of material, instructing me to remove everything from the waist up before stepping out with the EMTs, Jae-sung following them. When the curtain closes, I quickly do as instructed and slide my arms into the uncomfortable and overly starched piece of fabric passing as a hospital gown. I settle gingerly on the bed as Jimin sits down in the chair on the other side, leaning his elbows behind me as he runs his warm hand up and down my exposed back. I turn to look over my shoulder at him, smiling slightly and moving closer as he ties the gown closed.

A quick knock on the frame of the room is heard right before the curtain opens slightly, the nurse looking in. Seeing I'm ready, she enters, followed by Jae-sung, Officer LaRoux, and someone with a nametag that says "Registration." Jae-sung stands next to Jimin, Officer LaRoux stands behind the nurse watching the three of us, while the nurse takes my vitals and registration gets me taken care of. After it feels as though I've signed my life away, I get an annoying little plastic bracelet with my name and date of birth placed around my wrist. As registration leaves, the nurse starts asking a bunch of questions, entering the information into the computer as I answer each. Most are standard demographics, but some are quite invasive, until finally one that I'm happy to answer is asked...

"Are you pregnant or could you be pregnant, Ms. Cho?" the nurse asks in her monotonous clinical tone that she's been using the whole time. I look back at Jimin, a smile on my face. I turn back to her.

"It hasn't been confirmed yet, but we think I might be. I took a home pregnancy test two days ago, but the results were inconclusive as it may be too early. I had planned to see my primary this week for confirmation before we head back to South Korea." Officer LaRoux pulls out her notebook and pen again as she speaks up while the nurse types the information into the records.

"You're leaving for South Korea, Ms. Cho?"

"Yes, Officer. We arrived yesterday from Busan, South Korea. I live in an apartment across the street from the coffee shop. We came back to pack up my apartment and office here. I'm moving back to Seoul with my husband this weekend, and I'll I start at my firm's Seoul office next week."

"What were you doing in South Korea?" she asks.

"I went on vacation at the beginning of the month with a now former friend for three weeks. During that time, I was learning about my family roots because I was born there. I met my husband early in my vacation while he was in Busan with his group preparing for a concert on the 15th. We fell in love and were married on the 18th."

"Preparing for a concert on the 15th, ma'am?" her sharp eyes look at me, then at Jae-sung, then at Jimin. I see the gears turning.

"Yes, Officer LaRoux."

"The only concert I know of that was happening at that time..." she quietly says before trailing off, a look of confusion on her face, as her gaze flicks between each of us several times. She shakes her head, and I hear her muttering 'there's no way' to herself several times. I turn to look at Jimin and Jae-sung, my eyebrows lifted.

"I think she may know who you are, but hasn't put the puzzle pieces together yet," I say, and Jae-sung steps to the end of the bed as Jimin stands up behind me, leaning closer to us both.

"I think now is an appropriate time to explain who I am. It may make this easier," he says. Jae-sung looks at him, then at me, finally nodding. I turn to look at Officer LaRoux, whose eyes have narrowed. I also look at the nurse, who looks bored while waiting to ask more questions.

"I've been given the go ahead to tell you the identity of my husband, Officer LaRoux, however it must stay confidential by everyone as it's a security risk if it's leaked." I see the nurse's ears perk up at that. "Actually, is there a secure room with a door where we can do this in private, Officer?"

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