Chapter 27

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I'm not expecting to see such a large, cavernous lobby when we step through the doors. It feels overwhelming with the ceiling stretching above us for two more levels. I turn around expecting to see the vehicle gone already, but I'm surprised that it's still parked at the curb. I'm sure Jimin can't see me, but I still feel the urge to place my hand over my heart again, tapping twice.

"We should go, Nae. Time is against us this morning," Anaïse says next to my ear quietly, and I nod knowing she's right. I touch two fingers to my lips briefly and turn back around as I drop my hand to the briefcase hanging from my shoulder.

I walk forward, heading straight to the large half-moon desk where security guards are stationed, three watching banks of monitors and two others sitting in front of a single computer monitor checking people in.

"Good morning," I bow, Anaïse following suit behind and just to the right of me. "Can you tell me if we should check in here? This is our first day and we didn't receive any instructions."

"Names, credentials, and organization please," one guard states looking both of us from head to foot then back up again. I raise my eyebrow at the perusal, handing my credential card over. "Cho NaeYeong. This is Anaïse LaRoux. We are with Wallace, Wilson, & Partners, Inc."

He takes both of our cards, checking them against the information on the computer. Indicating with his hand, he simply states, "Use the left bank elevators. Scan your card at the gate to get to them, then take the elevator up to the twenty-seventh floor. Check in with the receptionist there."

He hands our cards back and we bow again as I say, "Thank you."

We move to the gate system and swipe our cards, then we're standing in front of the elevators waiting. There are only a few others with us, and I'm starting to fidget knowing we are far too close to being late. Shortly the elevator arrives and we get on, hitting the correct button and I breathe a silent sigh of relief when everyone else hits buttons above ours.

As soon as the elevator spits us out on our floor, my initial thought is that the reception area looks a lot like the one in our New York office. The young receptionist had looked up when the doors opened and we walked out. She's smiling, about to say something in greeting when I hear a voice to our left. Turning my head, I see a very stern, dour looking older woman with flawless skin standing near the seating area. Her hands are clasped together in front of her but that doesn't make her demeanor any more approachable. She lifts her wrist to look at her watch, then drops it back down as she looks us up and down.

"Welcome to the Seoul office of Wallace, Wilson, & Partners...where we pride ourselves on punctuality," she states in a flat, cryptic tone. I raise my eyebrow up cooly at her statement, flicking my gaze to the clock behind her to see that technically it's still 8:59. Settling it back on her, I smile slightly without saying a word.

"I'm Ms. Hyun, the office manager. If there are any issues, you will come to me and we can work together to rectify it. Now please follow me, Ms. Cho, Ms. LaRoux, and I'll take you to your workspaces." With just her eyes, she looks me up and down again, her thin lips thinning even more as she presses them together tighter with a frown and my simmering ire starts to blossom into anger. I swear if she frowns any harder, her eyebrows are going to meet and become one.

She turns on her heel and we follow after bowing to the receptionist, who has eyes widened at Ms. Hyun's...attitude?

Using her card to open the electronic lock to the door behind the receptionist's desk, Ms. Hyun gestures for us to go through. As we do, the first thing I see are several desks, set up in pairs. As we pause inside the door, I notice the atmosphere is nearly silent except for fingers typing on keyboards. And if anyone is talking, it's done in hushed tones. Many of the people stop work to briefly stare at us as we walk in, but when Ms. Hyun looks their way, they immediately go back to work with their heads down.

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