Chapter 18 - Part 2

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"I'm did we get in? Well I should say, how did you and Jimin get past security this afternoon? I haven't had time to put you both on the list for approved visitors..." I ask as the elevator doors open and we step on.

"Your father vouched for us since he's known to security, so they allowed us in. They did say they want you to speak with them personally to confirm though."

"Thank you, Father!" I say under my breath. "I'll do that at the same time I tell them about Leeza."

The elevator doors open on the lobby, and I see Officer LaRoux standing at the front desk, speaking with security. As I walk up, she turns her head to look at me, homing in on the bandage. I bow to her.

"I think you made it here in record time, Officer LaRoux. Thank you for stopping by tonight." I turn to the security officer manning the desk. "Good evening, Tony. How are you this fine night?"

"Can't complain, Ms. Cho, can't complain," he says in his deep baritone voice. "Even if I did, nobody'd listen anyway."

"That's a fact, isn't it? How're Emily and the kids doing?"

"Good, good. Emily's going stir crazy though. The doc put her on bedrest because her blood pressure spiked last week, and they don't want her to go into early labor this time. So her Nana is staying with us until baby arrives to help take care of the other littles while I'm at work. Takes a load off." He grins, his straight white teeth a stark contrast to his dark, neatly trimmed beard. "While you're here, though, I have a note to confirm some info with you when you stopped by next."

"Yes, I was just told I needed to do that. That's part of the reason I'm down here... I need to put two people on the allowed visitor's list and one person on the do not allow list." I turn to Jae-sung, indicating him with my hand. "This is Lee Jae-sung. He needs to be on the allowed list."

"Relationship?" Tony asks as he types the name into the computer after I spell it out. I look to Jae-sung again, an eyebrow raised as I consider it.

"Colleague? Friend? Family? All of the above? Does that about cover it, Mr. Lee?"

"Yes, Ms. Cho, I would say it does," he grins at me. Tony nods, making a note of it.

"And the next person?"

"Park JiMin," I say, spelling it out as well.


"Husband." I see Tony's hands pause, his nearly black eyes flicking up to me, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Did you say husband, Ms. Cho?"

"Yes, Tony...husband." I smile, holding up my left hand, the light sparkling off the rings sitting there.

"Well! Congratulations, Ms. Cho! I'm mean, Mrs. Park?" he quickly corrects himself.

"Ms. Cho is still correct, Tony. Especially right now as the news of our marriage is on a need to know basis. Mr. Lee is his security while we're here for the week." I see the confusion on Tony's face when I say that.

"Security, Ms. Cho?" His gaze flicks between the two of us. Jae-sung pulls out his wallet, getting a business card and handing it over.

"Yes, sir. I'm Mr. Park's security, and Ms. Cho's as well. I go where they go, at least until we get back to Korea," Jae-sung states, all business.

"Korea?" Now I can see the uncertainty on his face.

"Yes, Tony. I'm moving to South Korea in a few days. My office has transferred me to our Seoul office."

"That seems so sudden, Ms. Cho..." he says.

"It kind of has been, Tony, but it's a good thing," I say, happiness at the prospect lacing my voice. He nods slowly, skepticism still on his face but seems accepting of the news. "But I need to make it clear that this information needs to be kept confidential, not a word of it should be spoken to anyone, not even my family if they stop by. They all know to do the same. But, there is one more thing though. I need to put somebody on the do not allow list."

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