Chapter 26

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"Damn!" I can hear the appreciation in just that one word.

"Is it really that good, Jungkookie?" I ask, a smile on my face as he hums when he puts another bite in his mouth.

"Mmmhmm," Jungkook nods as his eyes roll and he's making the same angry face I've seen in video when he's eating something that he really likes. "Damn!!" his voice rings out again as he takes another big bite of the dakgalbi sitting in front of him, followed quickly by another bite of the samgyeopsal.

I hear more appreciative sounds coming from the spot next to me, and I look to see Jimin taking several bites and chewing, his cheeks filled with food. I lift the cup of tea to my mouth, sipping it as I continue to watch and listen while these two men enjoy everything. I pick up the mandu sitting by itself on my plate, taking a little bite and chewing slowly. I'm waiting for the tell-tale sign of nausea that I'm sure is going to come since this is the first meal I've had all day.

"Jiminie hyung, you need to be careful," Jungkook says, pointing his chopsticks at Jimin. "If you keep eating food like this, you're going to gain a lot of weight!"

Jimin stops chewing the bite of mandu he'd just taken, staring at Jungkook with eyes that could pierce through steel.

"Jungkookie...for your information, Jimin will probably be losing weight even with food that I cook." They both look at me, heads tilted. I look from Jungkook to Jimin. I grin and wink at my love. "You're going to be needing the extra calories with all the workouts you'll be doing taking care of me!"

I watch as his ears turn a beautiful shade of red, and he swallows the food down hard, needing to take a drink from his bottle before he starts coughing. Jungkook laughs hard at Jimin's surprise.

I turn to Jungkook.

"And you – you're going to help me."

His doe eyes get large as he points at himself in question. He chews his mouthful of food and quickly swallows it. "Me? How will I be helping?"

"I'm putting all my trust in you to make sure he's eating at work when you're both there. I want to be sure he's going to have the stamina for all of his...ahem...activities!"

"Nae..." I hear Jimin start to say next to me. When I turn my head in his direction, I lift an eyebrow and his mouth snaps closed. I have a hard time suppressing the grin that I feel flitting at the corners of my mouth at his look. I wink at him and blow him a kiss. Turning back to my food, I take a bigger bite of the mandu, chewing slowly before washing it down with another sip of the tea.

We continue eating for several minutes, the sounds of appreciation punctuating the comfortable silence. I venture a few bites of the samgyeopsal after the mandu is gone, waiting for the morning sickness to hit each time, but thankful when it doesn't. But it doesn't take long before I feel full.

"Is that all you're eating, love?" Jimin asks quietly as I set my chopsticks down. I nod, knowing full well that if I eat another bite, I'm going to be losing everything I've just gotten in me. "Why don't you try a couple more bites?"

"I may not be nauseous from morning sickness at the moment, but if I eat another bite nothing is going to stay down. I'm already too full."

"Have you told everyone that you're expecting yet?" Jungkook asks quietly, a serious look on his face as he looks between the two of us. We both shake our heads and I pick up my cup to take another sip.

"No. We just confirmed it last Monday at the emergency room when we were there to have my back looked at," I reply without thinking. Jimin's head turns to me quickly, surprise etched on his face.

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