Chapter 6 - Part 2

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I sit up and slide off the bed, padding my way to the bathroom and flipping on the light. Looking in the mirror, I see little bite marks around my upper shoulder area, but not anywhere that would be visible. While that makes me a bit sad, I know I don't need the questions...from anyone. Turning around, I go to the shower and turn it on to warm it up. Glancing around the bathroom, I gather things I'll need and set them on the shelf in the shower then make sure towels are handy. Walking back into the other room, I see Jimin laying on his back staring at the ceiling. I crawl over to him from this side of the bed and look at him upside down.

"Join me?"

When he nods his head once I backtrack so he can get up as well. Following me into the bathroom, he closes the door with a soft click as I check the water temp. Turning around, I see him staring at me, a contemplative look on his face. I know what he's looking at, but I don't address it yet, instead focusing on pulling the hair tie out. I set it next to my lone earring and see him lift an eyebrow up.

"Where's your other earring?" I shrug my shoulder.

"No idea. When I came to after the second panic attack, I realized it was missing when I came in to use the bathroom. So, I took this one out. I'm hoping it shows up. They were one of my favorite pairs."

I turn around and step under the water, starting to wet my tangled mass of hair. He follows me in and closes the door.

"So, about what you were going to tell me..." he starts as he tries to run his hand through my hair. "What did you do to this?"

"Again, I have no idea. It was a tangled mess when I came to. I'm hoping for a miracle with the hotel conditioner."

"No worries, Nae, we'll get it fixed." I hear confidence in his voice.

"I hope so. So, let me tell you a little I haven't told to anyone yet."

"Not even Leeza?"

I shake my head quickly in denial.

"Oh, hell no! While we've shared a lot of things with each other, there are certain things, extremely personal things, that I would never tell her. At least, not if I wanted to keep them personal! She's someone you would call 'loose lips'..."

He pauses, then nods in acknowledgement.

"Okay, noted."

"Yeah. Anyway, after my failed debut as a ballerina and I was finally able to comfortably leave my house, I decided I needed to do something for my future. I applied to university when I turned 17. I got in with an undeclared major as I really didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up. My life had been spent dancing, preparing for a future that was no longer an option."

I pick up the shampoo bottle, which Jimin grabs. Squirting some shampoo onto his palm he starts to massage it into my hair and scalp. I close my eyes and bite my lip as he works.

"Mmmm, you have the best hands. You know exactly the right amount of pressure to work it in..."

He pauses his massaging, and I open my eyes as I feel the blush come on.

"I didn't mean it that way..." I stutter at his look. "Okay, okay, maybe I did..." I feel my face heat up even more.

"You are so cute when you blush. Do you know that it starts way down here," he touches a finger to my br*ast under my n*pple, "and moves up into your hairline?" His finger traces a line up over my n*pple, across my chest to my collarbone, up the side of my neck to my forehead, then into my hair where he buries his hand again and continues to work up the lather. I clear my throat to continue, trying to ignore how my n*pple reacted to his touch. I see he noticed it though, and a smirk crosses his face, that damned dimple peeking again, and I feel a whole-body blush starting this time as the fire starts up again.

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