Chapter 20

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I wake the next morning to the sun coming in around the drapes. The bed is empty except for me when I roll over. Stretching languidly, I listen to water running in the shower. Throwing the comforter back, I slip out of bed and walk into the steamy bathroom. Quietly I take my tank and bottoms off and step into the shower. I lean back against the wall to observe as Jimin washes his hair, rinsing the shampoo out slowly, enjoying the feel of the hot water cascading down his body as the suds obscure then show his moons. I'm enjoying the view as rivulets make their way from his shoulders, over the muscles bunching and relaxing in his back and then his *ss as he moves his arms with rinsing. Then down his muscular thighs and calves to disappear down the drain between his feet.

He hasn't noticed that I've joined him yet and as he lifts his head to let the water rinse his face, I step closer, sliding my uninjured hand around to his chest, splaying my fingers over his ribcage. I touch my lips to a tattoo, tracing the outlines with my tongue. He stiffens briefly in surprise, then his hands cover mine, entwining our fingers carefully as he brings it up to place a kiss in the center of my palm. Settling it back above his heart, he leans his head on mine as I hug him close.

"Good morning, Baby," he says as he lets go of my hand and turns around. Looking down at me, he leans down to capture my lips with his, slowly exploring my mouth with his tongue then leaning his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry if I woke you. I was trying to be quiet. You seemed so tired last night. How did you sleep?"

"Quite well, actually. I didn't realize how tired I was until I crawled into bed. I remember you getting in but nothing after that. What time did you come to bed?" I look up at him, water falling in my face.

"Around midnight. Jae-sung hyung and I stayed up talking for a while. I think it's the first time we really did that in all these years he's been working with us. We've always kept our relationship professional but he's a pretty down to earth guy. Did you know he has three younger sisters and an older brother? All but the youngest sister are married with children."

"No, I didn't know that. We've never really talked about things like that, but so much has happened over the past month that we haven't had time to really get to know each other in that sense. He knows a lot more about me and my family than I do of him and his," I say with a frown. "I mean, it seriously feels like he's family, and sometimes I forget that he's part of security, you know?"

"I know exactly what you mean," his own frown pulling his eyebrows down. "It was a really nice conversation, and I enjoyed it."

"I happy to hear that, my love," a smile lifts up the corners of my mouth.

"Are you ready to get prepared for the day?"

"Yes, I am." I pull the hair tie from the end of my braid and throw it over the railing, hoping it at least hits the sink. I feel Jimin's fingers unraveling the braid, so I lift my face to the water. Once the braid is undone, I make sure all of my hair is wet then Jimin massages the shampoo in, a master at making it feel sensual. I rinse when he tells me to, then he's running his soapy hands over my body, intent on making sure every inch is caressed and cleaned. When the soap is rinsed off, he reaches for his own body wash, which I take from him and proceed to do the same to him, paying extra special attention to the part of his anatomy that is standing at attention.

Once we're clean, he pins me up against the shower wall, kissing me passionately. All the foreplay that happened with the soap made us both more than ready, and he enters me swiftly as I wrap my legs around his waist. It doesn't take long for either of us to reach our release, climaxing at the same time. Holding me steady, he helps me get my legs stable then we rinse off once more before turning the water off and stepping out to dry.

Standing in my towel, I dry my hair right away, slowly putting it in a braided French twist. Walking into the bedroom, I dress in the white shirt and fitted pantsuit with wide belt I had kept out last night. I carry my stiletto heels out and set them by the front door. Feeling my stomach growl, I grab a slice of cold pizza, munching on it while making a cup of hot tea and staring out the window. When I hear movement behind me I turn, seeing Jimin coming out of the bedroom dressed in black dress pants with a black belt, and a long sleeve, button down light blue dress shirt. He has it tucked in with the top two buttons undone. His hair is swept back and styled. Heat pools low, and the pizza is forgotten as I salivate over how delicious he looks.

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