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My eyes lingered on her chest and everything my mother taught me about respecting a woman's privacy flew out of the door.. Snapping out of my fantasy I slowly turned away from her setting the pan down and lifting my shirt over my head.

I turned back to her, 'Lift your hands for me la'u agelu.' [My angel] I say, I see her eyes staring at my abs, before looking away, embarrassed. She lifted her arms and I pulled the shirt over her head and guiding my dry, warm one over her head again. 'Thank you,'

'leai se faafitauli' [No problem] I say returning back to the meal I was attempting to make. I decided on Gambas al ajillo and Oxtail with Rice and Beans. Hopefully it turned out wel. I got out the frozen shrimp, and started to peel, thaw and devein them.

'What language was that?' she asked looking at me in curiosity.

'Samoan,' I say seasoning the shrimps with smoked paprika.

'Gabriel, where are you from?' I chuckle at her question, I wash my hand and place the pot down and grab a napkin wiping my hands.

'Belgium, Russia, Samoa, Spain, Jamaica and Japan.'

'How the hell does that work?'

'My grandad is Jamaican and Spanish, my grandma is Japanese, both mum side. Dads side, his mom is Samoan and Jamaican, his dad is Russian and Belgian.'

'That's very diverse, did you have to learn all of the languages.' she says offering to wash the rice for me. I hand it to her and we start cooking together.

'Yes, but my mum spoke Spanish a lot so I picked that up quick, and when I became a teenager my dad often cussed me out in Russian, Belgian and Samoan when I did something wrong so I just kind of picked that up too.' I say smiling at the thought of my father. I haven't really got the Japanese but I'm getting there.'

She nods smiling. And I can't help but smile back, it's contagious.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Time SKIP

I sent Naih to sit down as I put our food on a plate. I grabbed our plates plus the shrimp and walked into the living setting the food on the coffee table.

I looked at what she picked to watch, 'ON MY BLOCK'

'Have you watched it before, if you want you can change it.' she asks as I hand her, her plate.

'No it's fine, and no I've never watched it.'

I leaning back, I was mildly aware of my bare chest and her lingering eyes. I got up to turn of the lights and get us a blanket before sitting back down.

'Thank you' she says as I lay the blanket over her.

'No worries, моя любовь'

She smiles at my digging into her food. I love a girl with an appetite.

---- --- ---- ----- ---- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ --------- ------- Time SKIP

I wake up squinting as the sun shines through my curtains I wake up to get ready for the day, I dropped of Naih at her place yesterday night so I had to call her to make sure she got in safely. A soft purring noise comes from the bottom of m bed and I turn my head to look at it.

'Inessa,' I say scooping her up into my arms. She rubs her head into my bare chest. I rub my rough hands through her soft fur, she makes a soft meowing noise and I realise I haven't fed her yet considering she was out all night.

I place her down and walk downstairs with her trailing behind me. Inessa was a chubby tabby cat, with beautiful green eyes. I grabbed her food pouring some into a bowl along with some milk before petting her head and leaving to get ready for the day.

I was 20 when I got Inessa the doctor said I was getting stressed so they gave me Inessa,



'What do you take me for you fucking cunt?' I say as my mum smacks the back of my head.

'I'm so sorry doctor, he's in denial.'

'Its quiet-'

'No the fuck I'm not, why the hell does this mega minded bitch have to tell me what I need, bet you barely have your marriage tied down, fucking your receptionist.'

My dad laughed, my mother in embarrassment started to gather our things and drag me out of the room.

'Какого хрена ты ему это сказал, он, наверное, пойдет домой и поплачет своей мамочке.' [Why the fuck would you say that to him, he's probably going to go home and cry to his mommy.] Said my dad gesturing towards the receptionist, mother scolded him for being so crude and dragged him along by his ear.

''No los puedo llevar a ustedes dos cabrones con cara de mierda a ningún lado, por el amor de Dios.' [I can't take you two fuck-faced cunts anywhere, for the love of God] I follow behind them as we reach the elevator and my mother directs her anger towards me.

'Y a ti, te crié mejor que decir la verdad antes de que obtengas lo que quieres de ellos.'

[And you, I raised you better than to tell anyone the truth before you get what you want out of them]

'Te estás quedando con ese maldito gato.' [You are getting that damned cat]


And here I am with that damned cat. I like her though. I button up my white shirt and grab my house keys going downstairs, I pet Inessa before exiting my house. I stepped into my customised Lamborghini Revuelto.

I parked in a parking spot and walked into the cafe, I walked behind her after spotting her and smile, 'BOO!'

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