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Nailah Amrani 


I sat on his lap sobbing my heart out, while his chin rested on my head rubbing my back in a comforting manner, 'What happened my love?' He said gently, I blubbered trying to explain myself 'My stomach hurts, and I just-' I stopped talking frustrated with myself, why am I crying I was laughing before.

'Baby, I can't understand you when you're crying my love.' he whispers into my ear. 'Breath for me Naih, come on 1,2' he says breathing in and out motioning for me to follow his actions, I breathe in twice, take one look into his eyes- seas of worry and confusion-  before breaking down again.

'No, no, I'm sorry- fuck.' he says arguing with himself, 'Breath in for me Nailah, 1,2,3' I follow his breathing pattern.


Soon enough I'd calmed down enough to talk, however, I didn't want to talk anymore. My eyes felt itchy and irritated and they stung. 'Do you want to talk now baby?' he says bending down his head to look me in my eyes while i rubbed one continuously. I shook my head, no. 'Thats fine baby, but I have a meeting in five minutes we'll talk after that.' I nodded absent mindedly.

'Do you want to come with me, if you get bored you come back in here.' he says twirling a piece of my braids. I nod currently not wanting be away from him. 


"Bathroom." I say

He kisses my head pointing to some double doors. I place my bag down, looking into the mirror at my messy hair. I pull out some moose covering my hair with it. I sit on the toilet finally satisfied before changing my pad and washing my hands. 

I walk out clutching unto my tote bag. 'Gabe?' I say looking around for him. His head pops out from the doors I walked through to get into the office. He smiles showcasing his dimples making me smile at his cuteness. I notice what he's wearing.

A black tight fitted under armour shirt that outlines his abs and some black joggers to match, nike socks and some air forces. He was so dressed down, for a meeting.  'U-mmmm you're wearing that to a meeting' I say placing my bag down on his desk. 

He looks down at his clothes confused. 'What I don't look good?' I smile at him, he's so cute.

'No, it's just I expected you to wear more formal clothes to a meeting that's all,' Now it's his turn to smile.

He walks up to me caging me between him and the desk, he moves his hand up moving it through the silky bundles, 'I would but it's just business with my dad, so I can't be asked.' we stare into each others for a few before he places a soft kiss on my lips. I smile against his lips. 

A knocks comes from the door. He pulls away, walking towards the door, I cringe at the feeling of my stomach. 'Thank you, Linda.'

Linda looks at him through her lashes and bites her lip.

Do they have something going on or something?

I frown at the thought watching him closely as he walks back with a white bag. He hands me a packs of haribos and a sausage roll, and places a kiss upon my head. 'Let's go baby' he says after checking his ringing apple watch.

I walk out with him clutching unto my snacks and his hand. We go past a bunch of cubicles a bunch of workers looked at me curiously, making me squeeze Gabriels hand tighter. He squeezes back and looks at me. I smile.

We walk into a conference room with a handful of people sitting at a table with a buff looking man sitting at the front -he looks a lot like Gabriel- there's another empty chair on the other end of the table. He sits down still holding my hand tugging me to sit on his lap. I give him a look and I looked over to the chair diagonal to him and see Linda.

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