Baby I'm In This Hoe

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Gabriel POV

'When were you planning on telling us?' I ask deciding to break the silence.

Me, Naih, Theo, and Kaitlyn or whatever her name is were sitting in Theos study just looking at each other.

I rub Naih's thigh up and down taking a sip of my whiskey. 'Well we just-'

'When did you find out?' Naih interjects shifting on my lap.

'Why didn't you tell us as soon as you found out?' 

'Well we-'

'How many times have you had sex?' she says again. I squeeze her wait as a signal to stop. She was overwhelming them, they'd only found out themselves too. She leans closer to the desk which they're sitting behind.

'How many times have you stuck your penis, into her vagina, without a condom-'

'Okk, let's take a break.' I say standing up with Naih, 'No I just-' 

'No you don't babe.' I wrap my arms around her waist leading her out and into a guest room. She sits on the bed squinting at me. I bend down to kiss her cheek before leaving the room. We all need some space. 

Tomorrow will be the official start date for what we even came here for. To save my birth father. I still don't think I'm in the right mental capacity for it, but whatever. I gotta suck it up.

That's what he always told me.

I find my way into the garden and sit down looking at the flowers and lilies and shit. 

They're so pretty.

So perfect.

Just like Naih.

I cheese at the random thought of her. Even when she's nowhere near, I seem to be thinking about her. I move to lay on the grass leaving my glass on a side table. I stare up at the summer sky.

Its going to be night time soon and you can faintly see the stars winking at you. The clouds are a dreamy orange and move above me, going to sleep. He always told me that men weren't allowed to think of such things as beautiful, stars, flowers. He said they  were girly, not something men should be thinking about. 

'There you are.' says a soft voice, I hear a patter of feet and then they stop. I turn my head and I'm met by Naihs, french tipped toes and multiple anklets. I grab her ankles admiring the anklets. 

She lays down next to me staring at me staring at the sky. I look at her and we hold eye contact for a while before she looks away giving me a shy smile. I smile too. Her smile is so infectious. 'When I grow older I want to live somewhere in the middle of everything good. And I want to have a room with a clear ceiling for summers like this' she whispers staring at the sky. 

I grab her manicured hands giving them a small peck. She smells like coconuts and heaven. She stays still for a few before jumping up screaming. 'Its a spider!!' I look at her then back at the thing she called a spider.

It was just grass. 'It's just grass babe.'

'No it's not you can't tell me what I felt.' she says running back into the house.

She's changed so much, she's much more confident and I love it.  I walk slowly behind her back into our bedroom. When I open the door she's watching the clueless series on paramount. I sit on the bed looking at her. 'Do you wanna talk about it?' I ask rubbing her thighs.

'I just don't get why she didn't tell me, I thought I was her best friend-'

'I'm sure you are mami, but you realise that sometimes people would rather keep things to themselves.'

She stays silent for a while moving to lay on my chest. I hear her breaths getting shallow, but she's been in chlorine, if I let her sleep without a shower she'll have irritated skin tomorrow. 'Naih, my love, you need to have a shower before you sleep.'

'Nooo-' she says pushing my hand away.

'Naih, please my love.'

'No, go awayy.'



I land one harsh slap unto her  bum, and she shoots up, 'Hey!'

'Into the shower Nailah don't let me say it again.' I say sternly, she gets out of bed rubbing her bum and mumbling things before walking into the bathroom. I walk out to take a shower in another room.


I walk back into our bedroom with a towel around my waist and another towel in hand to dry my hair. Nailah is done bathing and is laying on the bed on her stomach in a bratz cami with matching light pink booty shorts. 

I give her bum another teasing slap.

'Saint.' She turns around slowly to look at me, with a very serious face. I quickly walk away to the closet pulling out some grey joggers and a white shirt with some white nike socks. I walk back out and she's fast asleep so i decided to go talk to Theo.

I walk out and find him in his study, with a glass of whiskey and a cigarette. 

'Lung cancer's catching up with you.' I say leaning against the frame of the door.

'She's stressed out, and its not good for the baby.'

'Never thought it'd get to this day you  know. Theo Alvarez talking about babies and shit.'

He laughs blowing out his smoke. There's a moment of silence before he speaks again.

'I think I wanna marry her.'


I say walking to sit in one of the single sofas in front of the desk.

'I mean we've been together for almost a year now and she's going to have my child I mean why not, and I love her- I think.' he says shrugging. He hands me the cigarette and I take a drag, blowing it back out.

'She's just kind of annoyed that she didn't tell her straight away, she'll get over it by tomorrow.'


'I don't know what to say Theo, I'm not saying you shouldn't marry her but, you know how I feel about that shit,' I say flicking some of the ash away. 

'You're useless.' he says snatching the cigarette back.

I stand up walking towards the door. 'She's good for you Theo, that Karyn girl.' I say before walking out.

'Khalea!' he shouts after me. 

Not that I'll remember that though. I feel my phone ringing in my pocket i stop and pull it out and smiling at the caller ID.


'Naih, baby.'

'Where are you?' she says groggily.

'I'm coming back to the room baby I just had to talk to Theo.'

'Hurry up.' she says before hanging up.

I call her back, wait for to pick up and end the call again.

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