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Nailah's POV  


In our fashion class today our goal was to be able to talk about pieces openly and confidently. Part of our assignment was to open a YouTube channel and Instagram account to help grow our business and build our confidence. 

But I was not going to do that and embarrass myself, so I guess I'm failing this assignment. I stood in front of the college scrolling through my phone a bit anxiously. I hope Gabriel hadn't forgotten about me.

Maybe he was with another girl, God knows that man is an absolute God, he could get any girl he ever wanted. I frowned slightly, as a pit formed in my stomach churning in disgust at the thought. I was lost in my thoughts before a loud horn broke me out of my thoughts. 

The heavily tinted windows of the familiar Jeep rolled down and Gabriel's face came into view. I blushed, remembering my bold stunt this morning. He gets out of the car effortlessly, taking a few strides he stops in front of me looking down at my small frame.  'I've been standing here for a good minute, baby, what were you thinking about ?'

My heart did a summersault in my chest at the newest term of endearment, and my thoughts. 'Nothing' I say, switching off my phone and closing my chat with Max. Yep, Max went to my college, I just didn't see him often because on the days he has work I have school, and on the days he has school, I get to stay home.

He hummed grabbing my small pink and black purse from my shoulder lightly tugging it out of my arms. 'I can hold it, you don't have to you're already driving me.' He ignored my pleads and headed towards the shotgun seat opening the door for me. I walked meekly towards the doors and got into the car with his help again.

He got into the car after shutting my door and placed my purse in the backseat. 'Do you want a snack?'

'No thank you.' I say as my stomach makes a noise of protest. Blood rushed up my neck and Gabriel does that small smile thing again. He pulls into a local gas station and turns to me. 'What do you want?'

I refuse again.

'I'm not hungry.'

'Yes you are.' he says smiling.

'No, I'm not.' I say not wanting to cause him more trouble than I already am. 

'Yes you are.

'No, I am not.'

This goes on for one more minute before he seemingly gives up and gets out of the car, walking towards the shop. I thought I'd won, soon he came back with some sour patch kids and some coke and water and chips. He placed them in the cup holder, opening the bottle of Coke and taking a sip.

My stomach did that grumble thing again, as his adams apple bobbed while he drank he drink. I knew I was hungry, but Gabriel was already doing so much for me, I didn't need anymore. I turned towards the window defiantly, so I wouldn't see him eating.

A pack of sour patch kids invaded my view, blocking the tall building I was marvelling at. 'I don't want it.' I say pushing it away. The car stops and his hands finds my chin turning me towards him roughly, but gently. 'Nailah, I've had about enough of this shit, you're hungry and you know it.' his piercing green eyes penetrated me. Seeing right through my tough façade. 

'Your stomach is grumbling loud as fuck, and you're choosing it ignore it and be hungry, enough of this bratty shit,' he grabbed the bag of chips and sour patch kids and handed them to me. 'Take this.' my hands reached for them shakily, placing them in my lap. 

'Now eat.' he lets me go pulling out of the little corner we stopped at glancing occasionally to see if I was eating. I honestly couldn't explain how I was feeling, the feeling in between my thighs was worse than it'd ever been. And my mind felt like it was on cloud nine. I liked the feeling of him dominating me, it feels wrong, it sounds wrong but I do. 

I wanted him to dominate me.


ik that song old asf but it suits this chapter, which is verys short, so eh.

Thoughts on Gabriel?

Thoughts on Nailah?

Thoughts on Khalee and Theo?

Thoughts on Max? [again]

Any suggestions of how you want to happen?



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