Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Regina sat in front of the fire with a glass of wine. She sat thinking about the events that occurred the previous evening, but she she couldn't stop thinking about what Emma had revealed to her. I mean could she actually believe what Emma had told her? 'she must joking' Regina said out loud, while downing her wine. She started pacing her den not sure of what to do, say or even feel. 'Screw it' she said and headed towards the front door.

On the other side of town Emma sat on her window ledge staring up at the clear starry night and couldn't help but wonder what Regina was thinking, doing. She hoped that Regina wouldn't see her differently or hold it against her in some way. Emma started pacing her loft apartment wondering if she done the right thing. 'what if she ignores me, I mean would she, could she actually do that'? Emma said out loud.

The Day and Night Before................

Regina sat at her town meeting as she did every Tuesday to listen to everyone either request ridiculous things like a strip club, a sex shop etc well this was mainly from one resident, Leroy the town drunk and the sheriffs station only resident. Other requests where not as bad but still a bit unrealistic, but nothing Regina couldn't handle. While Regina sat wondering what she was going to do tonight because she had took the rest of the week off due to Miners Festival being this month and she knew she would not get a break until that was over.

While Regina sat in the town council meeting listening to Sydney Glass, Storybrookes incompetent newspaper editor prattle on about getting new stationary and chair for his office. Reginas phone signaled a text msg coming through, then again and again. She put it on silent but read them and tried not to laugh.

Group Chat -

Storybrookes Finest Group Chat (Names):

Regina (Snow – Evil Queen. Emma – Madam Mayor. Ruby – Reggie)

Emma (Snow – Ems. Ruby – Swan. Regina – My Sheriff, My Saviour & Miss                         Swan depending on situation)

Ruby (Snow – Red. Emma – Rubes. Regina – Wolfie)

Mary-Margaret (Regina & Ruby – Snow. Emma – Mum)


Wolfie: Tonight we are going to The Rabbit Hole so be there 7pm and dress to impress! 😁 Love Yous xx

Snow: 🙈 And how do I convince Charming to let me out on a school night? Xx

My Sheriff: 😃 I am DOWN!! xx

My Sheriff: Mum just tell Dad that I need a girls night after Lily! Xx

Regina knew that the thought of HER Emma, HER Sheriff being with someone else made her feel extremely angry and jealous and had no idea why??

Snow: Ok ill try that Ems xx

My Sheriff: YAY 😊 xx

Evil Queen/ Madam Mayor/ Reggie: 😃 I AM IN!! xx

Wolfie: YES!! Reggie first round is on you! Xx

Evil Queen/ Madam Mayor/ Reggie: It's a deal Wolfie 😘 xx

While replying to the group chat Regina didn't notice that everyone was looking at her in silence. She looked up and blushed. Even though she actual heard everything Sydney had said she still chose to by pass it and reply with 'is that everything Mr Glass?' He just glared at her and said 'yes madam mayor'. While he sat down Regina stood up and requested that anyone with any actually concern was to email her directly and she would reply when she returned in a weeks time.

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now