Chapter 2

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As everyone filtered out the town hall and mumbled in conversation, Sydney grabbed Regina by the arm and demanded she deal with his request now. She looked at his hand and then stared him the eye while getting as close as possible to his face saying 'if you do NOT get your hands of me I will have you arrested and I will remove you from your current position as well as MY town'. He looked genuinely scared and released his hand.

Regina didn't see Emma behind her and in a flash Sydney was on the floor with his hands behind his back screeching like a 5 year old girl. 'YOU EVER TOUCH REGINA AGAIN AND I WILL END YOU' Emma shouted while she lifted him to his feet. Regina couldn't help but smile at HER Sheriff and blush like a shy teenager. 'What would you like me to do Madam Mayor?' Emma asked, Regina however the thought of 'fuck me right here' was not appropriate so she shook her head and said 'put him in beside Leroy for the night, that should make him think twice about his actions!' 'As you wish' Emma said.

With that Emma dragged his ass to the cruiser and literally threw him in the back seat and slammed the door. Emma walked over to Regina and gave her a cuddle and asked her if she was ok, 'I am now, thank you Sheriff'. They both smiled at each other and Emma nodded and winked 'see you tonight Madam Mayor'. Regina swore she came right there and then! Regina practically ran back into the town hall to her office and slammed the door shut. With her back against it 'what the fuck is wrong with me?' she she hissed at herself and decided to leave early for a much needed cold shower.

At the station Emma dragged Sydney literally kicking and screaming from the cruiser to the cell. 'you can't do this!' he screamed while Charming looked at Emma in surprise. 'he assaulted Regina!' Emma said with venom in her voice. 'OMG is she ok?' Charming asked, 'yeah shes fine just a bit shaken, but shes fine' Emma replied. Sydney started pacing his cell while stating under his breath what he was going to do to destroy both Regina and Emma. What he didn't know was that he was being filmed by CCTV that was installed a few weeks prior due to Leroys behavior and not remembering.

Private Chat -

My Sheriff: Hey x Are you ok? Xx

Madam Mayor: Yeah, Like I said just a bit shaken xx

My Sheriff: Is there anything I can do? Xx

Regina read that message and thought to her self 'so many things'.

Madam Mayor: Be my dancing buddy tonight and make sure I don't make a foul of myself LOL xx

My Sheriff: Deal Madam Mayor! 😘 xx

Reginas heart skipped a beat when she saw that kiss emoji, and replied with

Madam Mayor: 😘 My Savior xx

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now