Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Emma got back to Storybrooke and went straight to see Ruby at Granny's, as Emma walked through the door she saw Dorothy sitting in a booth. 'Why did you come back?' Emma asked. Dorothy looked up at Emma 'because she deserved to know the truth, she always thought she did something wrong when in fact it was me.'

Emma slid into the booth while studying the brunette in front of her, 'you could've spoke to her she would've understood and helped you!' Emma said with anger 'I know she would've but I needed to do this alone because I didn't believe it and I didn't want to put any pressure on Ruby' Dorothy replied while trying not to let her tears fall.

Emma nodded 'I get that, but she was broken and she was getting better and then you show up and give her this news, who does that?' Emma asked with a hiss. 'You don't think I know what I did? You don't think it broke me to leave her? Jesus...I am still in love with her but she.....' Dorothy said while hanging her head in shame 'she doesn't love me anymore and I don't blame her' Dorothy said with tears falling.

Emma sighed and got up from the booth, 'Keep reminding her that you love her, show her why she fell in love with you in the first place and maybe......just maybe you might get there.' Emma said and then went behind the counter and up to Rubys apartment.

Emma knocked on the door, 'Rubes its Ems' Emma said and the door opened. Ruby stood there tears streaming down her face and holding a bottle of Jack Daniels. 'OK give me that' Emma said while taking the half empty bottle off Ruby. 'Did your friend help you?' Ruby asked while she tried not to sound eggar. Emma nodded and replied 'Yeah he did Rubes, I'm sorry but these papers are legit and I even went to the hospital her consultant is at.' Ruby broke down and all Emma could do was hold her best friend.

Emma pulled her phone out to send a message to Regina.

My Sheriff: I am sorry My Queen I am still with Rubes I will be as quick as possible xx

Madam Mayor: OK My Love I will be waiting, Naked and just so you know tonight you have free reign to do what ever you desire to xx

My Sheriff: Seriously? Xx

Madam Mayor: Very! Xx

My Sheriff: I wont be long My Queen xx I Love You xx

Madam Mayor: ok My Love xx I Love YouToo xx

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