Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Emma finally got Ruby to bed and sleeping about an hour after messaging Regina. Emma made her way to Reginas Mansion and let herself in with her key. She took her boots and coat off and hung her coat up and put her boots way in the closet. Emma made her way up to Reginas bedroom and when she got to the door all she could do was smile and sigh at the sight before her.

Regina was laid on her stomach with Emmas long t-shirt on, her hair sprawled everywhere and a slight snore coming from her nose. Emma quietly closed the door and stripped to her boxers and sports bra and slid ever so gently into the bed and Regina instantly cuddled into Emma and sighed in comfort. Emma wrapped her arms around Her Queen kissed her forehead and whispered 'Sweet Dreams My Queen, I Love You.'

Emma woke up before both her alarm and Regina which was strange but as she looked down she knew why she was woken up. 'Grrrr' Emma said low but turned to look at Her Queen and started given her kisses all over her face and worked her way down Reginas neck. Emma was interrupted by her phone ringing 'who the hell is calling me at 5:30am?' Emma grabbed her phone and looked at the caller ID which said UNKNOWN. 'Hello!' Emma said with a hint of anger 'Well hello Sheriff Swan, how are you?' Emma looked at her phone with confusion 'Who the fuck is this?' She asked 'Oh Sheriff did you forget me already? I am hurt!'

Emma then recognised the voice. 'what the fuck do you want and how did you get this number?' Emma asked while she looked at Regina still sleeping. Emma gently slid out of bed and walked to the window with the phone pressed hard to her ear. 'what do you want Glass?' Emma asked trying not to shout. 'Regina of course!' He replied with an evil laugh.

Emma became even more angry than she was 'Over my dead body! Your in prison you will not get near her!' Emma hissed low so as not to wake Regina but Emma didn't realise Regina was awake and listening to Emmas side of the conversation. Emma turned to see Regina laying starring at her with a sad smile. Sydney Glass was rambling on the other end of the phone but Emmas attention was on Her Queen.

Emma looked at Regina and said to Glass 'Goodbye Glass' Emma said and hung up the phone while Sydney was still talking. Emma walked to the bed and slid in and passionately kissed Her Queen. 'What did you hear baby?' Emma asked softly, 'just bits, is he out?' Regina asked with fear Emma cupped her face 'I don't know but I'm going to find out right now ok?' Emma said but Regina jumped into her lap and said 'please don't leave me Emma!' Regina began to cry silently and all Emma said was 'I'm not going anywhere baby. I will never leave you, you are MINE and belong to only ME!' 

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now