Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Emma marched Sydney into the station with his hands cuffed behind his back, David jumped from his seat and walked towards him. Emma put her hand up 'DAD NO! We have to do this by the book ok?' David nodded and sat back down. Emma practically threw Sydney into a chair as it swayed slightly from side to side. 'I AM INNOCENT!' Sydney screamed, 'Really? Give me a minute' Emma said while motioning to Regina to follow her out the room.

She took her to another room and closed the door. 'Baby I can't let you watch the CCTV' Emma said while holding her hands. Regina looked at her 'Is it that bad?' she asked and Emma nodded while a tear rolled down her face. Regina kissed her tear away 'I will be in my office waiting for you ok My Love?' Emma nodded and kissed Regina with so much love and passion. 'I Love You Regina' Emma said looking right into her eyes Regina had tears in her eyes 'I Love You Too Emma.'

Regina cupped Emma face 'Ill see you later baby.' Emma relaxed into her hands and sighed 'Thank You baby.' Regina walked out the room and out of the station and Emma walked back into the room where Sydney was. She had in her hands a laptop and portable hard drive. 'Do you know what these are Mr Glass?' Emma asked calmly. Sydney nodded 'Yes I do Sheriff Swan.'

Emma played the CCTV that Micheal had shown her, Sydney was in shock but smirk when he saw the hurt and anger on my face. He sat there with his arms folded across his chest and sat back in the chair. 'You still claim to be innocent?' Emma asked, 'Yes I wasn't in my right mind, I do not remember that' he said calmly. 'Ok So you asking Micheal Tillman if his CCTV was working was what? A social conversation?' Sydneys face dropped 'How did you know that?' Emma laughed and looked at him 'Big Brother is EVERYWHERE Mr Glass!'

Sydney huffed and slumped back 'He deserved it!' He stated, Emma sat back and looked at him 'Why did he deserve it?' With the most emotionless look I have ever seen Sydney said 'because he was your friend, you embarrassed me at every chance you get in front of Regina' Emma cut in 'That is Mayor Mills to you!' while trying not to grit her teeth. 'And you took her from me!' Emma looked at him and laughed, 'YOU seriously think Mayor Mills would be interested in someone like you?' Emma asked. Sydney glared at her and tried to lift his hands up but was stopped as he was hand cuffed to under the table.

David knocked on the door, 'Sheriff the State Police here' Emma thanked him and stood up. Emma unclipped the hand cuffs from under the table she pulled him up and cuffed his hands behind his back, whispered in his ear 'Mayor Mills would NEVER have been with you because my DICK is bigger and I know how to please her!' then she read Sydney his rights again and walked him to the officers waiting. Sydney looked her up and down in confusion and was taken away.

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