Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Blood was pouring down Sydneys leg and he was drifting in and out of consciousness, Regina just stood there with the knife still in her hand. 'How do you feel Mr Glass?' Sydney groaned and said 'dizzy and sore, you can still save me Regina' Regina just stood and laughed she then turned to her love and kissed her passionately. Regina slowly pulled away took Emmas gun out of the holster pointed it at Sydneys forehead and shot. He slumped forward, Emma, David, Graham and Jefferson just stood there staring with their mouths opened.

'Close your mouth dears you'll all catch flies' Regina said while putting the gun back in Emma holster. Emma just looked at Regina in the eye and was for once lost for words.

David, Graham and Jefferson were now doing the clean up something they have done many times before. Emma pulled Regina outside 'Ok...What The Fuck Regina?' Regina just looked and Emma and said 'I haven't done hat in years! Can we do it again?' Regina was like a kid at christmas smiling like a crazy person and all Emma could do was cup her face kiss her sweetly and reply 'absolutely My Queen.'

David, Graham and Jefferson let Emma know that everything was done so she told Regina to go home and she will be round once Sydney was buried. 'Don't too long My Saviour, I have plans' and winked at her. Emma nodded and give her a kiss goodbye. Emma, David, Graham and Jefferson walked further into the woods to the hole that was already dug. Jefferson threw Sydneys body into the 10foot hole and then helped Emma, David and Graham shovel the dirt into it. 'Do you think Regina is one of us?' Graham asked. Emma stopped rested her arm on the shovel and replied 'I think so, but how come we didn't know about her?' she looked to David.

David shrugged 'no idea, but I'll look into it. We should've been informed but then it's not like we advertise it' they all laughed and agreed. Meanwhile...across town in the Mayors Mansion Regina was just coming out the shower and preparing some food for Emma for when she gets there. Regina sat at her kitchen island with a glass of wine and wondered the same as Emma. She thought to herself 'how come I never noticed, I didn't even see any signs' but then what are the signs she wondered.

David, Graham and Jefferson dropped Emma off at Reginas and planned to meet up in a few days to talk about business. Emma walked into the Mayors mansion and was hit with her favourite smell, Grilled Cheese. 'Regina Baby I'm home.' Regina came walking into the foyer with only a black short silk dressing gown on that stopped just below her bum. All Emma could do was slowly walk to her and give her a sweet kiss on her lips 'you look so good I could eat you' Regina giggled and blushed 'well you can once you shower and have food. I assume there was no issues?' Emma nodded 'no issues My Queen' regina smiled and stroked Emmas cheek 'Good Girl, now go shower' she replied.

Emma showered in record time and was down sitting at the kitchen island eating her grilled cheese, she took a drink of her beer. 'When was your first?' Emma asked not even looking at Regina, Regina puffed out 'when I was about 17/18 years old, he was this old guy who was a peeping tom and he looked through my window one night. So I decided to give him a show invited him in and stabbed him in the neck, there was so much blood I had to wake my dad up and told him what happened.' 'What did your dad say?' Emma asked 'He just laughed and said, "well it's about time" and then laughed, helped me clean up and we went back to our beds and it was the best night sleep I had.'

Emma sat there dumbfounded and at a loss for words, 'WOW, Regina I am so turned on right now' Emma said and looked down at her crotch where she was hard as a rock. Regina seductively walked to Emma got down on her knees looked up at Emma 'may I?' she asked and all Emma could do was nodded wildly. Regina hooked her fingers in Emmas waistband of her shorts puled them down and lick from base to head. She took Emmas cock in her mouth as deep as she could and started to suck.

Emma threw her head back and moaned 'Fuck My Queen, I love it when you do that. Do it again' so Regina did but this time she sucked the head like a lolly pop and took Emmas hand and placed it on her head. Emma got the signal and pushed Reginas head further, forcing Regina to choke on her cock. Regina had saliva running down her chin, Emma slowly took Reginas mouth off her cock. 'get on the table now' Emma demanded but she knew Regina was in this type of play tonight so Emma knew she wasn't going to far.

Regina sat on the dinning table and spread her legs, Emma walked slowly to Regina whist stroking her cock and licking her lips as Regina was. Regina bit her bottom lip and knew she was going to be fucked the way she loves by Her Sheriff. Emma slowly ran her thumb up and down Reginas covered wet pussy, she let out a growl at how wet Her Queen was. She curled her thumb and slowly moved Reginas thong to the side and slammed her cock into Reginas waiting wet pussy. Regina arched her back and moan loudly at the hard but very pleasurable action.

'FUCK MY SHERIFF, FUCK YOUR QUEEN!' Regina screamed 'As you wish My Queen' Emma said then began hard and fast strokes. All Regina could do was moan and chat Emmas name, Emma held Reginas legs open as far as she could 'fuck My Queen your so tight and wet, I love you.' 'Emma I'm going to cum, cum with me' Emma nodded 'i'm cumming Regina, FUUUUUCKKKK!' 'FUUUUUCKKKK' both said as they came at the same time.

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now