Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

Emma leans in closer to Regina and whispers in her ear, 'I think I need to take this jacket off and inspect the situation further, don't you?' Regina nods 'Yes, I think that would be best Sheriff Swan.' Emma runs her hands up to Reginas shoulders and slowly pushes the jacket off and takes it completely off Regina. Emma wakes to the coat stand and hangs it up, Regina watches as she bites her lip because she knows that Emma is doing this to excite Regina even more than what she already is.

Reginas breath has now became heavy while she watches Emma sit in front of her in the chair again and the thoughts that are going through Reginas mind are making her even wetter than she is. Emma sits back and looks at Regina 'Now Madam Mayor, I certainly think that the issue you are having is definitely worth looking at. However, I think I will need to take a closer inspection!'

Regina was so turned on and very wet now and all she could do was muster up the word OK. Emma smirked at the effect she was having on Regina and loved that she could do this without even touching her. Emma slowly stood up and placed both her hand flat on her desk and slowly brushed her lips against Reginas exposed neck. 'So what I need you to do is to stand up and turn around.'

Reginas face was as red as a honey crisp apple and all she could do was nod at Emmas instruction. Regina stood from the desk and turned around slightly looking over her shoulder at Emma who took a step back and licked her lips. All Emma could was look at Regina up and down and admire her curvy figure. Regina was standing there in a red lace bra and matching lace thong, Emma ran her hands up Reginas back and felt her shiver and moan at Emmas touch.

Emma stepped closer and grinned against Reginas bum, Regina could feel how hard Emma was and wanted nothing more than Emma to bend her over the desk and fuck her til she couldn't walk. With that in mind Emma moved closer to Regina and softly kissed her neck and slowly made her way down to her shoulder.

'Madam Mayor I do believe you wanted me to look at the wetness you were very concerned about, did you not?' All Regina done was nod quickly and gave a low moan. Emma slowly got down to her knees while kissing down Reginas back 'mmmmm Sheriff Swan I need you' Regina moaned out while trying to stay standing. 'I know Madam Mayor, I will always know what you need.'

Emma slowly pulled Reginas wet thong down and was hit with the smell of Reginas arousal. Emma peppered light kisses on the back of Reginas thighs as she ran her hands up and down her legs. When Emma stood up behind Regina again Regina realised that she wasn't wearing her thong anymore. Emma smirked and whispered in Reginas ear 'turn around' this sent a shiver down Reginas spine because she knew what was coming next, well she hoped she knew.

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