Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

Emmas day was very slow and boring. Her and her dad David the Deputy Sheriff were out on patrol, making sure Storybrooke was safe as always. They sat at the pier just watching the boats, Emma sighed, 'you ok kid?' David asked. 'Not really dad' she replied putting her head down. David put his arm around her shoulder 'is this anything to do with a certain Mayor who you've been pinning after?' with a small chuckle. Emma put her head on his chest and sighed 'yeah. What do I do dad?' 'You wait! She'll come around honey you'll see.'

The rest of Emmas day was uneventful so she decided to knock of early, she headed to the store for snacks and a couple bottles of beer. As she walked towards her loft she bumped into her mom and baby brother Neal. 'Hey Kid' she said to her brother who just smiled and babbled. Emma laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 'How are you doing sweetheart?' Mary-Margaret asked her, Emma just smiled and shrugged. 'I will wait as long as it takes' Emma stated with a small smile, Mary-Margaret smiled and nodded 'she will come around Emma, you just wait and see.'

Emma laughed and said 'Dad said the exact same' Mary-Margaret laughed too and nodded, 'well he is right! I need to get this little man home for dinner, call you later?' 'Yeah' Emma replied. With that Emma walked up to her loft apartment, closed and locked the door and decided that she was going to just chill and not think about last night, well try at least.

By the time 5pm rolled around Regina was packing up and heading out the door. She walked past Ashley, 'Good Evening Ashley, have a nice night.' 'You too Madam Mayor' she replied. Regina got home and made herself dinner, with a glass of wine. Once she finished she walked to her den and sat in-front of the roaring fire, she replayed what happened in the bathroom of The Rabbit Hole.

She couldn't stop thinking about what Emma had revealed to her. She didn't actually believe what Emma had told her? 'she has to be joking with me!' Regina said out loud. She downed her wine and started pacing her den not sure of what to do, say or even feel. I mean she kissed Emma, Her Emma, Her Sheriff, Her Savior. 'Screw it' she said and headed towards the front door.

Emma sat on her window ledge staring up at the clear starry night she tried not to think about Regina and what transpired last night but couldn't help it! She began to wonder what Regina was thinking, doing. She hoped that Regina wouldn't see her differently or hold it against her in some way. 'what if she ignores me, I mean would she, could she actually do that'? Emma said out loud. She sat on her couch and screamed into the cushion, then there was a knock at her door. 

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