Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

Regina stood there watching as Emma removed her lace bra, she closed her eyes and gave a low moan at Emmas touch. 'Look at me Madam Mayor!' Emma demanded. Regina looked into Emmas eyes and Emma kissed her with so much love, passion and want, Regina moaned into Emmas mouth as Emma dominated the kiss.

'I need you My Sheriff!' Regina demanded against Emmas lips but all Emma could do was smirk. 'I know baby and I will give you everything you need.' Emma lifted Regina up onto the desk and told Regina to lay back. Regina felt the cold desk against her back and sighed at the feeling, she knew Emma was deliberately going slow to get Regina to beg and Regina loved the feeling it gave her.

Emma sat on the chair and wrapped her arms around Reginas thighs and roughly pulled her to the edge of the desk. Regina squealed but loved it when emma was rough with her, it was what she wanted and needed and only Emma could make her feel the way she feels. Emma placed wet kisses up each of Reginas inner thighs and when she reached her intended destination Emma looked up at Regina who was looking down at her and gave a nod of approval.

Emma licked Reginas wet pussy slow and tender, she wanted to savior her taste. Emma slowly dipped her tongue in and out of Reginas pussy and was loving the sounds coming from the woman she loved more than life its self. She started to speed up and when she felt Regina squirm above her she took Reginas throbbing clit in between her teeth and lightly bit it. Regina moaned loudly and gripped the desk as she felt like she was about to explode at the feeling that Her Sheriff was making her feel.

Emma stopped and kissed her way up to Reginas face, 'Can I have you Madam Mayor?' Emma asked seductively in Reginas ear while sucking on her pulse point. Regina moaned 'YES!' Regina practically screamed, so with that Emma stood up and she took her shirt off and returned to Reginas face and kissed her. Emma then slowly stood up and unbuckled her belt then unbuttoned her jeans, watching Emma do this only made Regina even wetter than she already was. Regina brought her hands up to her breast and started lightly caressing her nipples, 'Madam Mayor, you are a naughty girl aren't you?' Emma asked and all Regina could do was bit her lip and nod.

Emma was groaning as she was extremely hard and needed to feel Regina again and the thought of being inside Her Queen again was more than she could handle. Emma slid her jeans and boxers down, she sighed at her cock being free from its confines. Regina looked at how hard Emma was, her mouth went dry and her breathing sped up because the thought of Emma being inside her again was what she couldn't get enough of.

Emma stood there stroking her hard cock and with her free hand ran it up Reginas thigh and slipped two fingers into Reginas wet pussy. 'OH GOD!' Regina moaned as her backed arched from the desk, Emma took her fingers out and brought them to her mouth and sucked on them like it was the last time she was tasting Her Queen. 'you taste delicious My Queen' Emma stated. 

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now