Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

It had been a week since Emma had asked Regina to marry her and she was so happy. They were both sat in the weekly town meeting. 'Thank you everyone for today, one last thing before you go. Sheriff Swan and I are in a relationship and are engaged to be married. If anyone has any concerns or questions please email me and I will get back to you' Regina said before she started gathering her things.

Emma followed Regina towards her office, 'Madam Mayor, a word?' Emma said with a bit authority behind it. 'Of course Sheriff Swan' Regina replied while waiting and closed her office door behind both of them. The second the door was closed Reginas lips were crashing into Emmas, 'how can I help you My Sheriff?' Regina asked with a small smirk. 'Well....a heads up would've been nice' Emma said with a laugh 'and...your in so much trouble My Queen!' Emma whispered into Reginas ear that sent a thunder of arousal straight to Reginas pussy.

Emma smirked at Reginas low moan so she kissed her cheek softly and seductively said into her ear 'I will see you at home My Queen and don't be late!' with that Emma smirked and walked out of Reginas office leaving Regina flushed and turned on so much. Regina grabbed her phone and started typing like her life depended on it.


My Sheriff: What? Did I say or do something wrong Madam Mayor? Xx

Madam Mayor: You bet your ass you did! Xx

My Sheriff: What did I do or say? Xx

Madam Mayor: You left me literally WET and HORNY!! I demand you come back and fix this situation, NOW!! xx

My Sheriff: I am sorry Madam Mayor I am currently at Granny's eating 🍟 🍔 😁 xx

Madam Mayor: You can eat me if you come back xx

My Sheriff: As tempting that is Madam Mayor, I do have to get back to work. Now be a good Mayor and I might treat you later. Like I said DO NOT BE LATE! Xx

Madam Mayor: I will just finish myself off then. Have a good day Sheriff Swan! Xx

My Sheriff: Thats just mean! Well I suppose I can do the same 😘 I will see you at home later xx

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now