Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

The Rabbit Hole 7pm

Regina and Mary-Margaret sat in their reserved booth just off to the side of the bar, watching for Emma and Ruby enter. Regina and Mary-Margaret both stood up and cuddled the ladies and said their hellos. 'Shots?' Ruby asked and the three ladies said 'YES' in unison. Ruby walked to the bar and Emma followed.

'Emma are you ok?' Ruby asked. Emma signed and put her head down 'no I'm not Rubes! I have a major problem!'

Ruby looked at her best friend worried and dragged her to the toilet after putting the shots down in front of Regina and Mary-Margaret. 'whats that about?' Mary-Margaret asked looking at Regina with a confused look because all she seen on her best friends face was anger and jealousy. 'Regina is there something you need to tell me?' Regina looked at her like she was a lost little girl, with tears starting in her eyes. Mary-Margaret leaped to wrap her arms around her best friend and said 'oh Regina, I had no idea, tell me everything'.

While in the toilet Emma broke down crying to her best friend and confessed her feelings for Regina. Ruby squealed like a child at christmas and stated 'about fucking time!' Emma was confused, 'what you talking about rubes?' while wiping her tears away. Ruby glared at Emma like she had three heads, 'Ems please tell me you know what your mom and I already know?' Emma sniffed 'know what?' Ruby sighed and gave Emma a small smile, 'Ems we've known since the day you two met!'

Emma stood shocked, was her feelings that obvious? Did other people notice she wondered, 'shit does Regina know?' she said out loud and Ruby laughed and nodded 'yeah I think she does Ems.' Emma leaned against the sink with her head in her hands and screamed 'ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!'

Back at the table Regina had stopped crying and looked at Mary-Margaret 'I am so sorry Snow', Mary-Margaret started laughing 'why are you sorry Regina? I think its great!' 'You do?' Regina said with a confused look. 'Of course, Yes shes my daughter but there is no one in this world I trust more with my daughters heart than you!' Regina smiled and looked up to see Emma and Ruby walking to the table.

'come on Madam Mayor, show me your sexy moves' Emma said while taking Reginas hand and leading her to the dance floor. Regina just laughed and done as she was told. Ruby and Snow both laughed, 'you think they will actually tell each other?' Ruby asked Mary-Margaret. Mary-Margaret sighed and smiled 'I hope so, but she needs to revel something to Regina before anything is spoken about!' Ruby tilted her and looked confused, Mary-Margaret shook her head and said 'you know, her' while pointing and with that Ruby had caught on and laughed and agreed.

While on the dance floor Regina and Emma are dancing away, both having a ball then suddenly Regina tuns her back to Emma and starts grinding against her to the song. Emma is loving it and whispers in Reginas ear, 'if you keep doing that your going be in trouble Madam Mayor.' This sent a shiver right down Reginas spine. While still grinding against Emma, she felt something that she never thought she'd feel especially from a woman!

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