Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

They both moan into the kiss while Emma gently lays Regina down on the bed. Emma begins to kiss Reginas cheeks and works her way down her neck, collar bone and stops just as she gets to her breasts. Emma looks up almost like to get a confirmation from Regina that this is ok. Regina smiles and gives a nod and with that Emma takes one nipple into her mouth and begins to suck slowly and gently. Regina is moaning and arches her back as if to give Emma as much as she possibly can, Emma slowly kisses her way to the other breast and gives it the same amount of attention.

As Regina is making all the sounds that Emma loves and wants to hear more and louder, she gently kisses her way down Reginas stomach and stops just at her hipline. Emma comes back up face to face with Regina 'if you want to stop now is your chance and I promise I will not take offense or speak of this again' Regina kisses her and say 'is this your way of saying you don't know what your doing or how to use this' and with saying that Regina stroked Emmas cock that was rock solid and smiled.

Emma smiled 'oh I know how to use it, I'm just not sure you can handle it My Queen' Regina smiled wickedly and pulled Emma in for a searing passionate kiss. while Emma slide her fingers over Reginas wet pussy she moaned 'My Queen your are so wet for me' Regina moans so much louder 'please baby, I need you!' That was all Emma needed to slide two fingers into Regina and with that Regina arched her back as Emma slide her fingers in and out of Reginas pussy.

'FUCK, please I need more' Emma didn't need to be told twice, she pulled her fingers out and positioned herself in-between Reginas legs. She gave her cock a few strokes while placing her thumb on Reginas clit and began circling. 'please Emma I need you, I want you!' Regina moaned, 'does My Queen like that? Because YOUR Sheriff could always make you beg some more' Emma asked and with that Regina shot up and grabbed Emmas cock kind of gentle and replied 'If you do not FUCK YOUR Queen now you will be on a ban in EVERY sense of the way for the foreseeable future' with a smirk she lay back down.

Emma just smirk too and came to Reginas face and said 'As you wish My Queen' and gave her a kiss that would make Regina never EVER contemplate banning Emma from ANYTHING Regina wanted. Emma took her hard cock and slowly inserted herself into Regina. Regina moaned in happiness as did Emma. Emma began to thrust in and out slowly to let Regina adjust to her size, Emma didn't want to hurt her.

'Fuck My Queen your so tight' Emma moaned, 'My Sheriff your so big' Regina moaned 'Please baby I need more, faster, harder' Emma done as she was asked and began fucking Regina like there was no tomorrow. Emma got faster, deeper and harder and the sounds coming from Regina made Emma work ever more to please Her Queen. Regina began fast panting 'FUCK BABY YES, DO NOT STOP!' screamed Regina. 'I will NEVER stop fucking you My Queen. YOU belong to ME now and NO ONE is EVER going to take you away from me' Emma said softly in Reginas ear while gently kissing her pulse point then biting hard enough so a mark was left. Emma could feel Regina tighten round her cock so she went faster while she bit and sucked her pulse point.

Regina screamed Emmas name as she came 'FUCK, please don't stop keep fucking me My Sheriff, Make Your Queen beg for you to stop' and with that Emma pulled out and flipped Regina onto her front she lifted her ass up and began licking and sucking her dripping pussy from behind. Reginas moans were loud and Emma loved it!

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now