Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Its been a month now and Dorothy has kept her distance from Ruby only because Ruby was never alone for her to get close. 'Guys I am fine you don't need to babysit me everyday' Ruby stated with a smile but she was sick of being treated like a child but she knew it was for her own good. Emma turned to see who came into the diner and she jumped up when she saw Dorothy standing there with flowers. Emma marched over 'what the hell are you doing here?' Emma snapped and Dorothy jumped a little with fear but stood her ground 'Im here to see Ruby!' Dorothy said while looking at Ruby.

Ruby moved from behind the counter 'Ems its fine, we will sit right there' pointing to the table next to the door 'and you three are right there if I need yous ok?' Emma gave a sad smile 'Ok rubes' Emma said while she walked to the counter. After about 30 mins Dorothy stood up and leaned over and placed a kiss on Rubys cheek and walked out of the diner.

Ruby just sat there with silent tears in her eyes and the three women rushed over to console their friend. 'What happened?' Mary-Margaret asked Ruby just stared into space and replied 'Shes dying!' There were no words spoken for at least 5 minutes after what Ruby said. 'Rubes are you ok?' Emma asked but knew the answer. 'are you sure shes not lying to get you back?' Regina asked softly but Ruby looked at her 'thats exactly what I asked her and she showed me these' Ruby handed over some papers.

As the Regina, Emma and Mary-Margaret read through the papers they were just stunned into silence. Emma was the first to speak 'Rubes do you mind if I have a friend look into these papers just to make sure shes not lying?' Ruby smiled and laughed lightly 'I wish you would because I am not sure I believe her.' Regina and Mary-Margaret both smiled and cuddled Ruby.

Emma drove that night to a friend of hers in the next town over, given he was a pathologist but he was very well connected and has helped Emma in the past with finding people when she was a bail binds person in Boston. 'Dr Curdle?' Emma knock on the morgue door, 'Emma please come in' he said. 'So good to see you Emma, how are things?' He asked 'Things are great I'm engaged and the Sheriff in Storybrooke' Emma said with a laugh. 'Well I am so happy for you and glad you have found someone to make an honest woman of you!" Dr Curdle said with a wink. 'Now how can I help?' he asked, 'can you look at these and tell me if this is legit or if its fake?' Emma asked handing him the papers.

After about 2 hours Emma was driving back to Storybrooke with news that she did not want to give her best friend but she had no choice. Emma messaged Regina. Reginas phone dinged alerting a message.

My Sheriff: I need you tonight Madam Mayor but we need to talk first. I Love You xx

Madam Mayor: Ok Sheriff Swan, I am here waiting 😘 xx

My Sheriff: See you soon 😘 xx

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