Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Regina slowly turned to face her and Emma froze and starred at Regina. She went to speak but turned around and headed towards the bathroom. Regina followed her and locked the door. They both starred at each other. 'Look Regina I never wanted you to find out like this' Emma said and she explained everything. Regina just starred at her and Emma did not anticipate what happened next. Regina lunged forward at Emma and kissed her with so much passion and when air became an issue they stopped and just starred at each other.

'Emma I'm sorry' Regina said and then ran out the bathroom. Emma slumped against the wall and began crying. She heard the door open and she turned away pretending she was washing her hands. 'Ems what the hell happened?' Ruby asked. Emma turned with tears running down her face, Ruby pulled her into a cuddle 'I'm sorry Ems, did you tell her?' Emma pulled away slightly and nodded, 'and she freaked out?' Ruby asked. Emma leaned against the wall sighed 'no she kissed me, said sorry and ran out like her ass was on fire!'

'Shit! What are you going to do?' Ruby asked looking at a defeated Emma. Emma stood up and calmly said 'give her space Rubes, it's all I can do till shes ready to talk. I mean she might never be ready but ill wait for her.' Ruby nodded 'what if she is never ready? Are you prepared to not have her in your life?' Emma looked at her and just shrugged 'i'll cross that bridge when it comes, but for now I'll give her time and space because this is a lot to deal with Rubes not everyone is open minded, understanding or even capable to deal with something like this. It took me years to deal with it myself but now I just need to wait and see don't I?' Ruby smiled and hugged Emma 'you my dear Ems are an amazing person and I will always be here for you ok!' 'Thanks Rubes.'

After walking back to the table Emma explained to Mary-Margaret what happened and she agreed with Emmas decision.

The Next Day

Regina walks into the Town Hall and is greeted by her secretary Ashley Boyd. 'Good Morning Madam Mayor' Ashley says with a smile. 'Yes Morning Miss Boyd' Regina replies. 'Please hold all calls today and I am not to be disturbed unless it is an absolute emergency!' Ashley just nods. Regina walks into her office and sits at her desk.

Reginas day was uninterrupted like she wanted. Her phone went off signaling a message.

Mary-Margaret: Hey Regina, are you ok? Haven't heard from you since you left last night! Xx

Regina: Hi Mary-Margaret, I am ok just busy at the office. I am sorry about last night but I am ok xx

Mary-Margaret: Are you sure? Do you want to talk? Xx

Regina: I'm sure, not just now but when I do I know where to find you 😃 xx

Mary-Margaret: As long as your sure? I will be waiting ok 😘 xx

Regina: Thank You 😘 xx

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